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 Below the cavern's ceiling resides the impressively large urban colony, designed with distinct regions divided up with irregular lines from the residential blocks distinguished by many rows of long strands in grids that compose neighborhoods to the more abstractly shaped city zones marked by greater clumps of buildings more densely compact. All contained within the concrete bounds of the rocky walls, all below the titanic stalactite spikes aiming straight down, the colony takes the most it can with the limited space provided, stretching its regions to the very borders.

There is to an extent a diversity in shapes, perhaps not exactly between every single building but to their families and functionalities, from the log design of the residencies to the cubes of the warehouses, although it could be contended whether it was an intended product of creativity or a byproduct from a lack of standardization. While certain regions do have some semblance of organization such as the rather clean grid of cubic warehouses, others especially the central city regions lack any flow with many stacks of buildings lacking the same dimensions in such a way that its resultant are jagged buildings with bases smaller than what they're meant to support, as while the blocks each retain a few shared core principles such as hard edges and rectangular prisms, they vary in scale.

Yet despite the diversity in shape, there is little to none to contrast the bleak brown dirt color that washes the whole colony, for the same shade of brown that builds the boundary cavern walls is the same shade that builds every single building in the colony, from the homes to the markets to the facilities. All of them are the same shade of brown: an ugly, filthy brown.

As a result, the colony despite taking unique approaches to its architectural style is still washed into a same-toned slosh, and rather than that slosh being of a refined pristine shade it is instead assigned to one that triggers repulsion.

That brown would hardly be visible to begin with would it not be for the white lights emitting from the center of the city which spreads ambiance throughout the cave, breathing some extent of life into the colony all the way from the center to the ends, although the life it breathes echoes fluorescence in its cold artificiality.

Still, that light is all there was to illuminate the cave for the countless many who wander up and down the streets of rock and dirt, whether it be the strands among the rim but predominantly the crowds in the inner sectors of the colony that being the city blocks.

Further central to the cave is the dense sector of population, innumerable locals men, women, and children who walk the streets dressed in similar attire of brownish gray rags which complements their grayed skin. Not a single one of them has apparent hair on their heads, for if their bald tops are not exposed, then their heads are covered in rags to hide it, a choice made by the majority population as though ashamed. There are families that walk hand in hand, lone teenagers roaming on their own, and elderly observing the city by the walls. Between the buildings that form the various walls that separated the aisles of the city are the alleyways occupied by dumpsters as well as other loitering locals dressed the same, though most of them were older from late teenagers to adults. Some of them lay their backs against the dumpsters restfully while others argue and wrestle against one another in angst, although they are largely ignored by the wider streets.

What isn't ignored by those in the streets however, so much that they even swerve their paths to curl away from them, are a triplet of roamers dressed so divergent to them that just a glance proved their extraterrestrial nature. They walk side by side, the one on the left dressed in a broad brown overcoat with an exposed bald head, but also the one in the center fitted in a sleek black blazer with a head of rich amber bangs, although surpassed most by the one on the right attired in a comfortable white hoodie with thick, long pink hair that flows in the breeze.

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