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 On the other side of the street, the row of dirt residencies can be seen, stacks of them each separate unit indicated by the red energy door as the single source of life emitting from them, for the rest of the dim white light circulates around the mammoth cavern bounded by the tall ceiling where colossal stalactites stare down amongst the holes and tunnels. While most of the houses appear similar to each other with little distinctive qualities, one in particular is unique in that it has a gaping hole beside its door, with piles of rocks left in front as debris. The hole remains all this time, yet ignored by the gray thin neighbors who stroll down the street in their rags, heads low.

Past the breach, the rift into the interior, lounge around three of the temporary residents, the woman in the blazer leaning against the living room wall, the gal in the hoodie sitting beside the sharp corner with her head leaning against the complementary wall, and the man in the overcoat laying over the kitchen countertop like it's a bed.

All three of them lounge in silence, all of them with miserable, dreary expressions, jaded after the long day that had beat them until they were left numb. The one on the countertop just exhausted and eager to pass the day with his open overcoat draped over the sides, and the one by the corner almost clutching to the walls to try seeping any comfort she can from the dirt-composite surface with her arms wrapped around her bare chilling knees.

Specifically the woman in the blazer of whom was the most disturbed, scarred from the horrors in a chain that she had produced, her soft green eyes directed to the floor which slowly blink every few seconds, meditating on the events of the day. Her amber bangs rest right over those eyes, shadowing them in the darkness as they wave back and forth from the air passing inside.

That is until distant heavy, hawking coughing is heard past the hole, coughing of a familiar sound and familiar intensity, sequenced over an extended period which pulls her attention up from the ground, her expression morphing to a concerned perplexion.

Eventually the coughing subsides, and a few moments later beyond the hole the man in the leather jacket steps into view before then stepping through the hole which had become the new default entrance despite the proper one being right beside it.

He walks inside the house with his arms by his side, a subtle blue flash appearing over his inner right sleeve, his hair waving from the outdoor breeze as his dismal azure eyes inspect the interior, confirming everyone's presences.

Immediately upon the entry, all three of those inside the house spring to life, Kokei turning her head up to him but most especially Ekitai who sits up straight instantly, his coat unwrinkling as he stretches his arms and yawns exhaustedly.

He then puts his arms down after the yawn to quip amusingly, "So just to make sure, you didn't leave it outside again right?"

A combination of a genuine inquiry but also a light jab, Meditat lightly tsks almost in a snicker before then shaking his head and assuring, "I have it in a secure location, trust me. We will not have any further robbery dilemmas pertaining to it from here on out."

Ekitai nods his head and slips off of the countertop to his feet, chuckling as while he did have squabbles with the decision making of his comrade prior, those disagreements have passed as he no longer shows genuine aggression.

Instead, he gives a soft grin as the only able to and remarks, "Good to know, I mean hey I guess it gave us an adventure for toda-," before his thoughts catch up to his speech to which his smile falls to a frown, and in the realization of the context behind what he was about to say he opts to silence himself and nods his head before inserting, "Never mind, good to know, yeah."

Having caught onto Ekitai's string but also acknowledging his recovery, Meditat nods to him understandingly before his attention is brought elsewhere upon Kokei's voice which mutters: "It just doesn't make any sense," to which he faces said speaker with a raised eyebrow.

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