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 Throughout the vast green forest that covered miles of land left in its natural state of beauty, cyan light from the risen supersun brought shine to the worlds orbiting it, and with that shine came gentle warmth that fed the tremendous ecosystems that thrived under its watch.

A stellar example of an ecosystem was the forest full of thick green trees that covered the ground with their umbrellas with such density that no streams nor grass could be seen. Slopes covered the forest as mountains and ranges stood tall like a guardian over the natural paradise below the sparse fluffy white clouds amongst the bright blue sky inhabited by the distant cyan ball. The sunrise now complete, it was the time of day where most people unaffected by early shifts would awaken well rested.

Among the hills and mountains was one that stood above all as its watcher, the heart of the forest. A mountain with such height that it had a frosted tip, standing in the center of a cluster of individual mountains and ranges that stood below it like children to the core.

The Peak of not just the forest but so much more, standing confidently in the forest embellished with life of the sun, and within that peak was the thriving life that inhabited and bolstered the many ecosystems and biomes that circulated in the hundred worlds of the exceptional system.

On the biome that appeared untouched by man, devoid of residency, there was one home, baked into the heart of the forest. Amongst the high view above neighboring mountains in the flourishing forest, cyan light shone into a room with fur carpeted floors, and in that room was a white sofa that faced away from the view.

Seated on that white sofa was the man dressed in the hooded black leather biker jacket with silver accents and lines, who had long unkempt black hair and relaxed shadow eyes. Next to him was the woman embellished in the forest green summer dress, who had long brown hair and cheerful emerald eyes, who leaned on the man's broad shoulder restfully with a gentle smile.

Natural cyan sunlight reflected off the glossy white curved walls, and among the walls were multiple wide apertures leading into other rooms led in by low steps at the end of the fur carpeted floor.

Through the wide curved openings there seemed to be cabinets in the room with glossy floors which resembled a kitchen, and beyond it were more doorways into other rooms.

Along the white walls that emitted a gentle blue light were multiple hovering white couches made of soft, fluffed cushions, one of which was curved around the smoothed corner. Bordering the couches were small white tabletops, and in front of them were longer white tabletops between itself and more couches that faced the wall.

On one of the couches facing the wall was the woman with brown hair leaning on the man with black hair, and on couch at the corner of the room laid the man in the sleek white tracksuit and matching white pants, who had short blonde hair and light blue eyes, taking the corner couch for himself to stretch himself out luxuriously.

On the sofa directly opposite from the one with the leader laid the woman comforted in the black hoodie with subtle purple streaks that curved on the sleeves also wearing black shorts, who had long silky black hair and eased purple eyes. Her head laid on the lap of the man dressed in long blue khakis and an unzipped azure blue bomber jacket with a yellow collar over a collared white shirt, who had parted black hair and pacific blue eyes.

All five of the group lounged inside the white room, resting after an exhilarating morning battle that pulled them out of their beds so early. Flynn continued to stretch with a yawn, who Juno glanced at from the corner of her eye as she laid her head against Razi's shoulder, who was gazing at the gap in the wall in an empty daze.

Across from him, Calypso stared at the white ceiling on Meditat's lap, who was staring out the clear screen of the forest that seemed right outside the room.

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