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That Spirit gazes through those parallelogram eyes who stream curved rays up through the smoother hood still made of a chainmail-like texture though more akin to a fiber, only one additional vent on the mask that being the microphone-like streak along the right cheek on the white mask though a smoother shape more fitting.

Amongst that gaze are floating debris, debris of brick chunks and torn brown rubber tiles, flung with him as his body is thrusted into the rubber room through the apparent hole broken into the wall.

In each of his hands he grips the collars of the two pirates, the man in the red overalls and the one in the bomber jacket with thick sunglasses, both of whom he slams simultaneously into the ground upon his landing as his black cape dances in the air, its movements more fluid, majestic.

At the same time as that slam that immediately knocked both men unconscious, the surrounding rubble crashed into the walls and ground, the local movement coming to a stop, all in front of the woman in the blazer whose head was up and watching in awe, her amber bangs parted from her face.

Her green eyes wide, Dana watches with her mouth open in shock for she hadn't even known there was a battle occurring just outside her cell, and yet before her now she can already hear the screams and firing past the door which she perks her head higher too as the Spirit relinquishes his hold of the two bodies and stands straight.

Straightening his posture, the Spirit stands over the door as behind him a group of bandits chases at him, all of them dressed differently including the woman at the center in a coat with strange tubes wrapping around her shoulders carrying a dark purple liquid, her short brown hair waving as she lifts her hands both of which carry purple orbs, though she's suddenly shot shot by a bright blue bolt, and upon being struck her body immediately pulsates a magnetic wave that suddenly causes all of the surrounding pirates' bodies to be picked off their feet and thrown straight into her, forming a huge human ball that is then swarmed by pink electric arcs from behind that form a field covering the ball which then moves upwards, lifting the ball with it which reveals the source of the long arcs all coming from the arm of the Vanguard who races alongside the Alchemist whose smoking handgun swings back and forth.

The Vanguard throws her arm back, guiding the ball to be flung backwards as they're then let go of the field for an optimal throw, repositioning the bandits on the other side between the cell and the warriors.

Both of the two reach the cell at the side of the Spirit, the Vanguard's arm still sparking pink and the Alchemist's revolver-like pistol smoking as in the center the Spirit begins to march deeper into the cell as he simply explain, "I'll get her out and join you with neutralizing the remainder threats," to which the Alchemist nods his head with a smirk before remarking, "If there's any left that is," and turning around to then face the rest of the prison room which he races off to with the Vanguard accompanying him.

Moving the other way, the Spirit raises both of his hands as azure flames burst from his fingertips, converging together to form a construct of stars that fully harden and texture into two metal shuriken stars both of which he tosses simultaneously outwards.

Each star collides with one of the projector reels along the wall, causing both reels to spark before making a depressive hum along with the shutdown of the black wires they were emitting, dropping the prisoner but not before being caught by the man who slides both of his arms under hers to prop her up, raising her against the wall as he asks though in a tone notably more humanly concerned, "Can you walk?"

Shaking out of her stunned state, the prisoner is quick to instead raise her head past the wall, her amber bangs sliding back to let her green gaze stare through and blurt out worriedly, "Wait, the others, they captured all of them-!"

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