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 Intense cyan light illuminates the wide base corridor, reflecting off the crystallized white floors connected to the countless entryways into other rooms well furnished with visible rugs, tables, and sofas. The light seems to shine from the direction of the corridor's end, where the extensive apertures of the nearby lobby is.

Judging by the warmth of the light, it appears that the day is nearing conclusion upon this side of the world, momentarily overpowering the fair white light that the corridor is still emitting albeit unnoticeably so.

In silent footsteps, the man in the leather jacket walks down the hallway, his body filtered through the cyan light caught on his back, piercing through his white locks. He has a casually serious expression, for his natural face has a stern toughness that may present itself as unfriendly, although in truth it is the face made without any dominating emotions.

His hands remain pocketed in his jacket, concealed while he walks with bouncing locks, his blue eyes fixed on one of the entryways on his trail. He lifts his head up upon nearing the opening, seeming to be the only one in the area as at first there are no other sounds.

Reaching the opening he sought for, the man steps through the arched aperture, walking into the next room and departing from the connecting hall.

Inside the entered space, the man faces the long hovering black crystallic tabletop in the center of the dining room, where above the long table is a long golden chandelier that provides light for the room with elegance. Along the wall is a screen that displays the scene outside, the green trees and evening sky where the cyan supersun is noticeably setting, and below the screen are a few plants in pots, all of which have wide green leaves although with unique colors of yellow, pink, and green as though they were dyed yet appeared so natural.

However, at the long black table are already three hovering chairs, two on the right side and one on the left. On the right side sits the girl dressed in the oversized cupcake hoodie, and beside her is the old man in the brown overcoat. Across from the girl sits the woman in the black blazer, and in front of each of them is a white plate next to a cup filled with crystal clear water. Beside the cup in front of the old man however is a flask with a purple liquid visible through the transparent casing, which only fills the flask half way while his cup is filled to the brim, untouched.

On all of the plates are exquisitely crafted seafood boils with visibly well cooked mussels, calamari, crabs, and shrimp among other accompanying ingredients such as bits of corn, all reflective under the chandelier light. Each of them have varying volumes, with the old man's nearly empty, explainable by the forks in each of the three's hands which they use to grab at mussels and shrimp while knives and spoons reside beside the plate on the other side from the cup.

The old man places his fork on the edge of his plate before reaching for a brown ladle on a long oval black pan with more of the same boil in the center of the table, providing surplus food for the three as they seem to be enjoying dinner already. After grabbing the ladle, he begins scooping up more boil before bringing it to his own plate and adding more food for himself with visible drool coming off the side of his mouth.

Noticing the drool, the girl in the hoodie faces the old man before berating, "Ekitai, isn't this your fourth batch?"

After filling his plate again, the old man places the ladle back on the pan as he glances at the girl, to which he implores, "So what?"

Giggles come from the woman in the black blazer before she covers it up with her hand. She then notes in a humored voice, "So he must like it then. I see no problem with that."

A heartbeat is skipped as the man in the leather jacket's eyes shoot wide open in terror, realizing that the group wasn't working but rather straight where he was heading for. He gulps as his heart begins racing, overtaking the sound of their distant chatter as he struggles to maintain himself in this horrific incident.

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