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 No nuances are needed to admit the natural fact that for many people who inhabit a planet, they've lived on a planet most of if not their entire lives. Even for those who haven't, they've eventually grown accustomed and comfortable to these planets, being able to traverse freely in intensely populated urban centers and socially desolate rural biomes throughout the day.

While there are a plethora of lethal dangers that people dance by daily, whether it be something as dramatic as horrific large scale destruction as acts of terrorism or something that can be applied to anyone such as being struck by a fast vehicle, the inhabitants of these worlds don't seem constantly preoccupied by these concerns, or at least it doesn't deter them from openly navigating the regions that very may harbor such threats.

Paradoxically while news broadcasts may persistently inform countless citizens about the harsh menaces that plague their world – crime, warfare, fatal incidents, natural disasters –, those very citizens that consume such terrorizing knowledge still manage to carry on their day within that hazardous world as though without anxiety. Even acknowledging the possibility of being put in a perilous position, nonetheless these people will continue to roam their world freely under the greater acknowledgement that it is their world, their home, and thus ultimately they do not fear it. For as long as the sun is out, there is nothing restraining people from wandering the world, there is nothing preventing people from being exposed outside to a world of cruel possibility.

That is but the exception of when the sun is not out, when the sky is not bright blue, and when the air is not warm. For beyond the day and within the night, city alleyways become fearsome, and deep forests become eerie. Regardless that the world has not changed, regardless that the threats plaguing the world have not changed, regardless of it all, just the fact that the sun is not visible in the sky suddenly turns the familiar home people have lived their whole lives in into an alien territory, a dangerous lands, a pandora's box of nightmares.

When the sky is black, neighborhoods are devoid of activity. When the clouds can't be easily detected, nobody dares trek the nefarious forests that've predated humanity for incalculable generations. When people are engulfed by the night, the outside world is no longer a home safe to travel, for that's all it takes to render home unfamiliar: darkness.

Deep within one of those dark, daunting forests, built with huge countless trees that cover the vast territory, a ghastly breeze rustles the umbrella of leaves roofing the land, blocking even the minimal light projected by the moon. Below the umbrella lacks visible wildlife, for it seems even the animals fear the world in dark. The array of lonesome colossal trees gives the impression of an abandoned city, towering structures without habitation.

Within the bleak, barren city of trees, an anomaly miraculously manifests, for emerging from the shroud of darkness behind the trees steps out a figure, a sole explorer who takes the chilling hike of journeying through the woodland.

Enveloped in the absence of light, the figure's footsteps are delicate on the gentle grass, carrying a casual poster with its arms by its side and its head lifted. The figure appears solus, hiking through the borderless forest, passing enormous trees whilst seemingly gazing on their leaves that dance in the wind.

Although not presented with substantial lighting, the body is slightly illuminated from the minor moonlight that seeps through the thick leaves. The body is dressed in a full body suit covering all but the hands and face, a dark gray ensemble compressed to the body and composed of some variant of spandex. A hood is fitted on the being and they wear shoes with the same color albeit consisting of a mesh material instead.

The suit is draped in a pattern of deep orange zagged lines which branch off into more lines, as though resembling a tree. On each of the top of both arms is a long branch that emerges from the collar of the hood and reaches down to the end of the sleeve with two pairs of branches protruding from the main branch that wrap around the arm, one on the upper arm and another on the lower arm, each joining on the bottom of the arm.

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