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 "Well, I mean he's not wrong, sure your way is a solution, but it uses far more conduits that what's needed," explains a well built young man seeming to be in his latter teenage years, dressed in a sporty green jacket made of a polyester-esc material with lapels, stylized similarly to a blazer, with sleek white trims along the arms and sides as well as a small blue dot on the collar. He also has what appears similar to blue jeans.

Walking down a curved, seemingly circular hallway with well lit white walls, he has short black hair slickly above youthfully bright blue eyes, and approaches a closed white door on the left wall of the hallway. Above the white door is a dot of yellow light, flickering slowly which the man takes notice to. There also seems to be a white earbud with sleek blue streaks in his right ear, fit snugly.

Beside the teenager is another, taller yet slimmer, with longer black hair with the same shade of skin as the one he's accompanying as well as the same color eyes. He wears a crimson hoodie over black pants, casual clothing as well. He follows the other man with shorter hair, standing beside him inside the hallway before begrudgingly contending with a voice also noticeably in his latter teenage years, "Well, I guess, but you don't need to be a leg about it, Rohan."

He then stops beside his companion, and looks up at the flickering yellow light, waiting patiently. He noticeably has an earbud in one ear, just like the man beside him.

After several quiet seconds of waiting, the yellow light flashes green and remains at a constant shine, and right below it the door dissolves, dematerializing to reveal a circular white pad behind with enough area for a large group to stand on. On the pad is also a white, smooth podium about three feet tall, and projecting off the podium is a blue three dimensional holographic screen displaying a model of a circular tower, and beside it is a flat holographic menu displaying a long array of buttons each labeled from one to fifty, also blue.

Around the pad is a metallic white wall curved circular, which is also well lit, to which the man in the green jacket, referred to as Rohan, steps in while delivering the repartee: "You did ask me for your opinion, Dexter, so that's what I'm doing."

An irritated sigh comes off of the skinnier teenager, referred to as Dexter, before he steps onto the white pad as well.

On the pad, Rohan steps up to the podium where he then studies the array of buttons speedily from top to bottom, to which he presses the bottom left button, which then ignites green instead before the opening behind them is shut by a materializing door that encloses them.

The pad the two are standing on then begins to descend with a quiet whoosh, carrying both of them as they seem to be on an elevator pad inside an enclosed shaft. They stand by the center together, waiting peacefully while staring at the white shaft.

While the two wait on the elevator, Rohan takes a short glance at Dexter beside him, and with his hands by his side he asks in a more genuine tone of voice, "So, are you talking to a lot of people?"

Summoned into a new conversation, Dexter keeps his gaze on the long white wall while answering, "Well, sort of. I mean, there are people from my labs that I try to talk to, and it goes somewhere."

Rohan nods his head in acknowledgement, and after contemplating for a few moments, he advises earnestly, "I see, but remember not to restrain yourself to just classmates. You don't even need friends only from your major, that's closing yourself off to most of the people here. Sorry, but engineering isn't the only career people come here to pursue."

"Easy for a computer scientist to say," snarks Dexter in a quick comeback before glimpsing at him with a smirk.

Rohan lets out a sigh and rolls his shoulders before he admits, "Fair. But anyways, you get my point, there's so many places to meet people, maybe join a club or something. You could always try out for the air hockey team!" with a mischievous grin.

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