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 Crimson drops float in the air as a collected shower, carried by the horizontal current of force that tore the space within the sky. Those drops sprinkle from the open tube of the exposed neck, the deep red visible in its grotesque nature, only the exterior properly encased in a thin golden shell. Dangling behind the neck is a sheet of black cloth that has a silk-like texture from afar but upon closer inspection there is a meticulous texture reminiscent of chainmail, simply done at a scale such that the spaces in between would perhaps be too tight for even air to navigate through. That cloth however doesn't extend very far down, as there's a clear cut through, however it's done with such precision that the chainmail at the edge is not broken but instead fully intact, only lacking a contact.

That cloth lifts up like a curtain, revealing that behind the red shower is the open view of the white mountaintop before the darkening gray skies, the storm approaching. The supersun sits visibly in the distance, however not fully exposed, as parts of the body are veiled behind the clouds that slowly devour it, the remainder streaking through in the little power it can.

However, behind the drops and hood stands the titanic golden train crashed into the floor, partially penetrated by gargantuan black roots which also towers over the large company standing right beside it. The crowd's size is vast enough that despite being well spread apart, only a minor fraction can be seen facing head on, but in front of them stands three better visible figures. In front of them though are another three, the leftmost of which the furthest back facing the spray, being Ekitai, is dressed in his brown overcoat.

Ahead of him, given he's closer to the three in the back, are the remaining two who gaze at the view before them, with Kokei on the right, dressed in her white hoodie.

The final member standing to her left steeled in her golden metal armor bears witness, that being Dana, whose body is positioned directly behind the dense blotches of red rain. For the three allies watch the sight from afar, for their bittersweet rest has been punctuated.

Kokei's pink eyes are wide open with her jaw dropped, shaken in horror from the devastating view of the strong leader in front of her.

Ekitai's yellow eyes are also wide with his mouth open, petrified from the sudden sight of his teammate bloodied before him.

Dana's eyeless gaze is alert, the gentle rims on the plate reflecting the light at a slight warp though not at the center, staggered from the unexpected image of the great hero soaring ahead of her.

On her metal face, the reflection mirrors the watch, carefully tracking the massacred body.

Ahead in that reflection, the severed head in the white mask completes its rotation, the black parallelogram lenses aimlessly facing forward. Defeated so swiftly, so seamlessly, leaving just a mere fragment behind. However, those black lenses suddenly flare into an intense, blazing glare, flashing for a moment as a blue fire bursts from his bleeding neck. The flames race chaotically, wildly down before expanding into a wider torso where two streams split at the ends to form arms while at the bottom two others diverge for legs.

The flames at first merely resemble the shape of a body, but within the fraction of a second they harden and shrink into a refined form that of a humanoid as another wave of flames rise up from the surface to just slightly smoothen the shoulders and knees as well as extend the black cloth into a wider cape. That second wave hardens before it all materializes in unison, weaving the azure fibers and forging the golden pauldrons, the frosty crystals attached to the shoulders brightening with their own luminescence as beneath them awakens the glowing pencil insignia which stretches streaks that crawl over the body.

As the black and white fingertips come to form along with the boots with crystal tips, the whole figure reanimates just before the end of the flip, landing miraculously back on his feet though with a slight backward slide, his cape lifting in the air as physics now applies.

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