werewolf au

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Time for Alpheus to explain that no he's not dead and for Fontaine to become a mystical creature. Thanks lunaeclipse1205 for helping me with this!

"I'm not answering any of your questions Nekton."

"Oh come on please?"

"I said no!"

Fontaine sighed and shook her head. Ant continued to annoy Alpheus fir several minutes while he was walking back to his submarine. Fontaine followed, partly because she didn't trust Alpheus not to throw her brother off a cliff and partly because she wanted to see Alpheus throw her brother off a cliff. Fontaine eventually had enough.

"Fine fine, if you don't want to tell us anything then can you at least help us?"


"Well you see mum and dad think your dead-" Alpheus glared at Ant "- so I was thinking we could play a prank on them."

"... what kind of prank?"

Fontaine smiled.

Half and hour later Alpheus was dressed up as a zombie, Fontaine had done some impressive makeup.

"There now you look like a proper zombie!"

"I hate this already."

Alpheus stood up and looked over to see Ant chewing on Fontaine's shoe, again.

"Hey no Ant I need that!"

Alpheus sighed and picked up a spray bottle full of water. He walked over to Ant and Fontaine who were playing tug of War with the shoe.

"Give it back!"

Alpheus sprayed Ant with some water and he immediately let go. He looked very offended.

"Stop chewing things."

Ant barked and huffed.

"You know maybe you should stay on the Aronnax for a while, we could use your help keeping Ant under control."

Ant barked and tried to turn back into a human but it appeared he was stuck. He let out another huff and looked up at Alpheus.

"Don't expect me to help you, you got yourself stuck you can get yourself unstuck."

Fontaine chuckled.

"Come on let's go prank mum and dad."

Alpheus, Fontaine and Ant made their way to the Aronnax. Alpheus followed them inside and did exactly what Fontaine told him to. He lay down on a stretcher and had Fontaine cover him with a blanket.

A few minutes later Fontaine rushed in with the rest of her family.

"Where's Alpheus you said you'd found him?!"

He felt someone bump against the stretcher. He smiled to him self and sat up.



Kaiko panicked and shot Alpheus with a tranquilliser.

"Owww hey!"

"Alpheus!? What are you a zombie?!"

Fontaine laughed and poured a bucket of water over his head.

"Nope go old regularl annoying Alpheus."

".... my heads spinning."

"That would be the tranquilliser."

That was the last thing Alpheus before he blacked out. Kaiko moved him to a spare room and they decided to leave the island before he woke up. Kaiko and Will had a lot of questions, Fontaine left Ant to answer them while she went for a swim.

She'd been swimming for a few hours when something caught her eye. A strange glowing rock. She reached out to touch it and as soon as she had the glowing stopped.

'Huh, weird.' Fontaine though as she swam back to the Aronnax.

When she got there Ant was sat in the moon pool, he was in his wolf form and appeared to be playing with Jeffrey. Jeffrey spotted her and seemed to smile.

"Oh Fontaine's back!" Jeffrey said.

"....uh Ant please tell me you just heard that?"

Ant tilted his head in confusion.

"I swear I just heard Jeffrey talk."

Ant turned back practically vibrating.

"Really how!?"

"I don't know there was a glowing rock and now, I think I need to talk to Alpheus."

"Well he's still asleep, but why don't we go check it out?"

".. you just want to talk to Jeffrey don't you?"

"Guilty as charged now let's go!"

lunaeclipse1205 made a fan art book you should go check it out!!

Nektons: Ant nooooo, you can't chew that we need it!

Alpheus, grabbing a spray bottle: come here you little sh-

Also I had to add in the tranquilliser, Alpheus ain't escaping the Nektons this time. Also Fontaine is a water nymph

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now