Dolos' apprentice au

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Hi! Enjoy!!

It had been three weeks since Alana had met Alpheus, the market was starting to get colder, much colder. But other than that things were going quite well for her. She found an abandoned stall and claimed it as her own. At first she'd only used it to sleep in or hide from the woa but as water started to set in she found herself spending more and more time there.

It was very early in the morning. The sun had only just rising. She was watching a new stall at the floating market. The people running it weren't very aware of their surroundings. They were making it too easy. She saw an opportunity and was about to take it. When someone grabbed her arm.

"Hello again."

Alana whipped her head around to see non other than Kaiko Nekton standing there.

"For f*cks sake."

Alana immediately stamped her foot down on her foot and ran. She heard Kaiko curse then sprint after her a second later. Alana knew the market well but Kaiko was much faster than her. She had already started to catch up and was yelling something about just wanting to talk.

Alana rounded a corner when she was grabbed and pulled into an alleyway. One instinct she bit whoever grabbed her.

"Ow! Hey! it's me."

Alpheus pulled her behind a crate as they waited for Kaiko to pass by. Unfortunately for both if them Kaiko decided to take a look inside the alley.

"I know you're here. Come on I just want to help you."

Alpheus looked at Alana and whispered.

"If you value your freedom follow my lead."

Before Alana could process Alpheus jumped out from behind the crate.

"Hey Nekton long time no see."

"Alpheus? What are you doing?"

"Oh you know me and my sister were just taking a walk before breakfast!"

"Sister? Since when do you have a sister?"

"Don't be rude Kaiko. I've always had a sister! She's just doesn't like talking to people and I can hardly blame her you all suck."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused please leave."


"Come on let's go!"

Alpheus grabbed Alana and dragged her out of the alley. Kaiko seemed to stunned to follow them.

"Well that was terrifying."

"Yeah tell me about it. I don't even know where she came from! I swear she just appeared out of thin air."

"It must be an inheritated trait. Her kids do it too. They tried to make me their brother a few years ago and would periodically just appeared out of nowhere."

Alpheus shivered remembering the time Ant and Fontaine jumped out of a create right beside him and tackled him into a nearby boat. The only reason he escaped is because they couldn't get the boat started.

"Well thanks for your help."

"Don't mention it. Kaiko should hopefully leave you alone now. But the whole 'she's my sister' act might work better if I actually knew your name."

"Yeah not going to happen."

"Eh worth a shot. Do you want breakfast? My dad makes great pancakes!"

"Yeah why not. Better than staying out here."

By the time the two had made it back Dolos still hadn't woken up. Alpheus immediately realised that the house was an absolute mess and that there was nowhere to sit down.

"Uh sorry about the mess, give me a second."

"It's fine."

"So uh, how you been?"


"Oh. Uh I have some old winter clothes that don't fit me anymore if you'd like them. We were going to get rid of them but we forgot."

Before she could respond Alpheus went to his room and came back out with a bin bag.

"Here go through these see if any of these fit! I'll get you a bag to put them in."

Alpheus left her alone while he went searching for a back pack. Alana sat down on the sofa and started searching through the bag. There was a surprising amount of stuff. Most of it looked like it hadn't even been worn. She grabbed a few sets of trousers, long sleeved shirts and two coats.

"Hey! Found it! And I also found these boots aswell, you should have them!"

Alpheus handed them to her then went into the kitchen. She would have left the boots behind but they were really good boots and hers were literally falling apart. She tried them on and was surprised when they actually fit perfectly.

"Here you go! Waffles!"

"That was fast."

"Yep! We had left over batter in the fridge! DAAAAAAD BREAKFAST IS READY!!"

Alana heard grumbling coming from Dolos' room. It wasn't long before Dolos came out of his room.

"Good morning son. Oh hello... I'm sorry I don't know your name."


"Alright then."

Dolos grabbed his food and sat down on the sofa. Alpheus joined them a few seconds later and immediately turned on the TV.

"So sis. What do you want to watch?"

"What did you just call me."

Dolos is reverse Kaiko. He doesn't want kids but they just keep showing up. He's going to need a bigger boat soon.

Alpheus: what's your name
Alana: no.
Alpheus: Ok then sister
Alana: also no.
Alpheus: then tell me your name

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

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