rtte au

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This isn't like the other rtte au I made awhile ago. I decided that I'm going to do a sort of re write where Alpheus works for the dragon hunters and Ant and Fontaine just stumble apon dragons Edge and decided that they're gonna help these random strangers fight off Viggo and his hunters.

It was a quiet morning on dragons edge. The sun had only begun to rise and everything was peaceful. Astrid was on her morning patrol. She was about to head back when she spotted two dragons in the distance. They were flying towards her very quickly. As they got closer she could see they both had riders.

"Hellllloooo!!! Hi there!!!"

"Uh, hello?"

"I'm Ant and that grumpy one over there is my sister Fontaine!"

"I'm only grumpy because you insisted we ride all night."

"Oh hush. Anyway you wouldn't happen to know anywhere we could stop and resupply would you?"

"Yeah. Someone dropped half of our supplies in the ocean!!"

"I said I was sorry!!!"

"Sorry doesn't get our supplies back!!"

Astrid decided to put a stop to their fighting and invite them back to dragons edge. She hoped she wouldn't come to regret this later.

By the time they got back Ruffnut had already made breakfast. Tuffnut was sitting in the corner playing with a night terror while his sister worked.

"Hi Ruffnut! Could you maybe set out another plate for our guests?"

Fontaine waved from behind Astrid. Ant had already ran off to play with tuff and the night terror.

"Yeah sure. Welcome to dragons edge!"

"Thanks. And thanks for cooking breakfast."

"Don't thank her yet! Ruff's cooking is the worst!"

"Just for that you can cook your own breakfast."

"Wait no I take it back!"

"Yeah thats what I thought."

Ruffnut started serving out breakfast while Tuff and Ant got to talking.

"Sister are the worst right?"

"Tell me about it. Fontaine used her dragon Amber to trap me. She left me there for an hour because I was 'being annoying.'"

"And I'll do it again if you don't behave yourself."

"Me? Fontaine I'm always on my best behaviour!"

"You mean like that time you dyed all the sheep pink and set them loose?"

"It was loki day!!"

"*gasp* YOU DO LOKI DAY TO?!?"

"Duh!? It's the best day of the year!!"

"We're keeping them! Welcome to the family.... uh what was your name?"


"Welcome to the Thorston family Ant."

"This is truly a wonderful occasion! We should celebrate!!"

"But how?!"

"After breakfast we could find something to blow up?"

"Yes! Already thinking like a true Thorston!!"

"After breakfast can you please get your dragon to cover those three in amber?"

Astrid whispered to Fontaine.

"Already planning to. Anyway let's eat I'm starving."

At that moment the others arrived and all gathered around the table. Hiccup was very happy to welcome the two travellers to dragons edge and Fishlegs was taking the time to carefully examine the skrill Ant was riding and the deathsong Fontaine was riding not sure he'd ever get the chance to look at either one this closely for a very long time.

When breakfast was all said an done the twins plus Ant tried to sneak out unnoticed. Only to be stuck to the wall and left there for about twenty minutes until fishlegs took pity on them and let them out. None of them were pleased and they immediately ran off the plot their revenge on Fontaine. Fontaine wasn't worried. She probably should have been.

Astrid and Fontaine looking at the twins Snotlout and Ant: OH NO THERE'S FOUR OF THEM!!!

Why did I decide to make Alpheus an actual dragon hunter you might ask? Well I think he and Dagur would get on like a house on fire. Can you imagine the chaos the two would get up to? Then when Dagur finds out that Alphues, Fontaine and Ant are related and are all trying to kill eachother because Ant and Fontaine just don't know and Alpheus is not going to have that conversation anytime soon Dagur can just be sitting there giving him horrible advice because 'it worked for me!' They are comedy gold.

Dagur looking and Alpheus a scrawny, slightly insane, genius: That's brother material right there.

Dagur starts calling Alpheus brother and never explains why to Heather and Heather who didn't even know she had one brother just assumes she has two. She calls Alpheus brother one time and he just starts buffering before asking "what?" And Heather just assuming he's annoyed at being distracted and not utterly confused by her calling him her brother continued on with what ever she was about to ask him.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

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