werewolf au

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Thanks AshyGurl101 for giving me the idea!

Devil Danlies was walking through the forest. He was making a new series all about mystical creatures reported to be in these woods. The reports were fake of course, there wasn't anything in these woods. Well that's what Danlies thought.

He was making a scene of him fighting a 'werewolf', when he shot one of his tranquilliser dart. When he went to retrieve it he was a pair of human footprints that suddenly changed into large paw prints.

"Ah, so there are werewolves in these woods after all."

Danlies smiled and turned on his camera.

"I'm afraid to say loyal viewers, the beast managed to escape my grasp. But fear not, for the beast had left a trail for me to follow."

Danlies turned the camera towards the paw prints.

"As you can see viewers this beast is truly massive and will require the up most care and dedication to capture  as soon as I do you can see this beast at Devil Danlies Adventure Park, opening soon."

Danlies stopped the recoding then he pulled out his tablet and summoned his drones to his location. As soon as they arrived he began the hunt.

Ant and Fontaine were even more lost than before. The river lead into an underwater cave. Fontaine  said she'd swim down and see where it lead. Ant waited near the cave entrance. After a few minutes Ant heard a distanced howl. Without thinking he howled back.

"You hear that viewers! The beast is nearby!"

Danlies had tracked the werewolf to a river. He was careful as he followed the wolf prints down stream.

It wasn't long before Danlies found the wolf.

"Look at that viewers!"

Ant jumped and whipped his head around to see devil Danlies.

"Isn't it magnificent, and soon you'll get the chance to see it in real life at Devil Danlies Adventure Park. Tickets available in the description!"

While Danlies' was ranting Ant attempted to make a break for the tree line. Unfortunately for Ant drones dropped a net down on top of him and he was quickly stuck in a tangled mess.

Danlies smiled and loaded his dart gun. He was about to shoot when Alpheus jumped out of the woods. He grabbed the drat gun out of his hand and tost it across the river where it landed with a thud on the other side.

Alpheus turned to Danlies and growled. Danlies backed up and pulled out his tablet. He summoned several drones to pick up the net Ant was trapped in. Alpheus ran over and started jumping up, grabbing drones and destroying them. Meanwhile Danlies was wading through the river to retrieve his dart gun.

Once the drones were destroyed Alpheus started untangling Ant from the net.

"You're an idiot."

"I know! I know, just help me!"

As soon as he was free Ant made a mad dash for the trees with Alpheus hot on his heels. They were just past the tree line when Alpheus felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. The world started spinning then everything went black.

Ant didn't know what to do. If he stayed he'd be captured but if he'd left then Devil Danlies would captured Alpheus. Ant could heard Danlies closing in and he knew he didn't have a choice.

What's Danlies going to do with Alpheus? Will the Nektons save him in time? And will Kaiko and William get over their argument? Find out in the next chapter!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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