prank war au

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I haven't done one of these in a while! Thanks Dragongirl9518 for suggesting it!

Over the last few weeks the prank war had begun to stop. Alpheus was busy and didn't have time to pick up Fontaine and Jess so the four could cause chaos. Fontaine couldn't come and get them either Kaiko was worried about her safety and wouldn't let her out of her sight. Finn and Maddy of course were not happy about this and made sure Alpheus knew it. They were constantly causing a fuss.

After a few days of the pair complaining Alpheus decided to go pick up Jess and dump them all on the Aronnax for a few hours so he could get some peace and quiet. When he told Finn and Maddy this they asked if they could borrow his card to pick up some pranking supplies. Alpheus agreed immediately. Anything for just a few hours a peace.

When there two got back they had several boxes. Alpheus knew better than to ask what was in them and instead set a course to Jess' house. It only took a few hours to get all three of them to the Aronnax. Alpheus had to help them load the boxes into the rover but after that they were gone. He was free.

As soon at they got onboard they all got to work. Everyone on the Aronnax was asleep and it gave them free range over the entire Aronnax. When they finished they climbed into Fontaine's hide out pulled out a tablet and watched the chaos unfold.

Any woke up first. He was half asleep when he got up and put on his shoes. Only for him to immediately squish the grapes that had been stuffed into them. Ant cringed and pulled the shoe off. He sighed, went to grab another pair as soon as he put them on the same thing happened. He grumbled. It was to early for this. He made his way to the kitchen with out shoes. He grabbed his favourite cereal and went to pour a bowl and was disappointed when grapes fell out.

He sighed and grabbed another box. It was also filled with grapes.


Ant stormed out of the kitchen towards his sisters room. As soon as the door opened his angry rant died. Fontaine wasn't in there.

He stormed around the aronnax for hours looking for her but everywhere he looked there were only grapes. In the rover, in the shadow Knight even in Jeffrey's tubes. There was just no escape. Ant eventually gave up looking for Fontaine and stumbled back to his room. When he opened the door grapes poured out.

There was a 1m×1m box on the floor filled with grapes. There was no way Ant could step around it. He groaned and made his way to the living. Kaiko and Will found him a few hours later asleep. Covered in grapes.

Ant's gonna be so mad when he wakes up

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

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