stranger things au

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This was requested by DanielleHarris402, enjoy!

When Fontaine had finished cooking she sent Eleven into the living room. She knew she couldn't spend the day here alone and unsupervised. Their parents would kill them especially after what happened to Finn. But there was no way any of them were going to school so that only left her with one option.

Fontaine walked over to the house phone and dialed Alana's home number. It wasn't uncommon for her to skip school, or atleast first period, she just had to hope she was still at home. The phone rung a few times before a very tired, and slightly annoyed, Alana answered the phone.

"What do you want?"

"Alana thank god we need your help!"

"... Fontaine? Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Look there's a bit of a situation and we had to skip-"

"We? Who's we?"

"Me Ant and Maddy."

"Oh your parents are going to kill you."

"That's why I'm calling, can you come over please. My parents will probably feel better if there's someone watching us."

"Alright, I'll be there in ten"

"Thank you. Oh! Bring snacks too!!"


"Yep! Bye!!"

Fontaine hung up before Alana could back out. She then left to go check on the others.

"Is everyone ok in here?"


The three were sat on the floor crowded around the TV.

"We're showing El our favourite tv shows!"

"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yeah totally."

"... I'm switching it off."

Fontaine sighed and went to grab the remote when it suddenly went flying across the room into Eleven's hand.

"....did, did you do that."

Eleven wiped the blood from his nose and then turned back around and continued watching tv.

"Ok, so he can do that uhh. Right ok."


Fontaine was to tired to deal with this right now. First Finn disappearing, then her brother insisting on following her when she snuck out to look for him and then running into this weird kid with freaky magical powers. Fontaine just really needed a nap.

"I'm going to go lie down."

She was still asleep when someone knocked on the door. Ant cautiously walked over to the door and looked threw the peep hole.


Fontaine jumped up off of the sofa and ran over to the door.

"Guys why don't you take Eleven upstairs and show him your Kaiju toys?"

"Ok Fontaine. Come on Eleven."

Ant and Maddy immediately ran up the stairs and Eleven timidly followed. Fontaine sighed and opened the door.

"Finally! What took you so long?!"

"I had to get snacks."

"Oooh, yeah. Anyway come in."

"So, what's this, 'situation'?"

"Well ummm. Its probably better if I show you."

Fontaine lead Alana up the stairs. They could here a whole bunch of overly excited yelling coming from Ant's room.

"And this one is my favourite!"

"Mine's better!"

"Shut up Ant let El decide!!"

Alana was used to the Nektons antics adoption antics. Heck she'd even helped them hide a dog from their parents for three weeks but this took the cake.

".... Fontaine....look I get that Finn's missing and adopting random creatures is your coping method but you can't just kidnap a random kid, this is where I draw the line."

"Alana wait-"

"Nope not listing, I'm calling the police and we're getting him back ho-"

As Alana opened the door it suddenly slammed shut. She went to open it again and the door once again slammed shut.

She turned around to look at Eleven. His  nose was bleeding.




".... What the F-"

Alana does not get paid enough to deal with the Nektons bullshit.

Also next chapter is probably going to go like this.

Alpheus: *Looking at Eleven*
Eleven: *obviously traumatised. definitely has issues. Needs hug.*
Alpheus: .... this is mine now.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now