Dolos' apprentice au

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Alana's gonna meet Alpheus now. Enjoy!!

Alpheus was completely ignoring his old family crest. He wasn't a part of the family anymore he didn't care what it meant. He also knew that The Nektons were really interested in Lumuria and he still gets shivers every time he thinks about what happened last time. He joined his dad out at the kitchen table. He had left him a cup of hot chocolate.

When Hammerhead showed up again the translations were done. Dolos left his feral kid below deck while he talked to Hammerhead. He was afraid Alpheus might punch him and that would not go over well.

"Here are your translation Hammerhead."

"This only looks half done."

"It's a very old language. Hard to translate you're lucky I got this much."

"Very well, here's your payment."

"Pleasure doing business with you."

Hammerhead walked down the gang plank past Alpheus' window.

"Hey Alpheus."

"Hey Hammerhead."

"Sneaking out again?"


"Steal from me I'll tell Kaiko you don't want to live with Dolos anymore."

"Not planning to."

"Get out of here before your dad sees you."

Alpheus immediately ran away. There was a new stall being set up he wanted to see what they were selling. And if he decided to test their security while he was there well it would make the day interesting.

The stall was lame. There weren't even any old maps at it. He was about to head home when he spotted Kaiko out of the corner of his eye. He immediately jumped behind a box and hopped she didn't see him. He peaked his head around to see what she was doing. From what he could tell she was looking for something and he was pretty sure he knew what it was. There was a young girl hiding between two stalls.

He quickly but quietly made his way over to her.

" you hiding from Kaiko two?"

The girl jumped. She pinned him against the wall and glared.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Whoa I'm just here to help. My names Alpheus. Kaiko tried to adopt me too I know how scary it is."

The girl slowly let him go. She peaked her head around the corner.

"Sh*t she's getting closer."

"Do you need a place to hide?"

"I don't have money."

"Did I ask? Come on."

Alpheus grabbed her arm and slowly lead her back to his home. His dad wasn't there when he got back. He was sure he'd be fine with it anyway.

"Can I get you anything? Cookie? Hot chocolate?"

"No. I'm fine. Thanks."

"Let me know if you change your mind. Sit down make yourself at home!"

"I'm OK."

"Well alright then! I'm gonna put on a movie anything you'd like to watch?"

She shook her head and sat down on the floor.

"How long do you think she's going to be looking for me?"

"I don't know, maybe an hour or so. You're welcome to stay until then."

"Do you think you're parents will mind?"

"No my dad won't care as long as you don't burn his ship down. Say I never got your name."

"And you never will."

"Ok then, hope you like ninja robots."

She gave him an odd look before turning to the TV again.

A few minutes later his dad showed up.

"Alpheus I'm home."

"Hey dad! I brought a friend over!"

"A friend?"

"Yeah. She needs to hide from Kaiko, can she stay here?"

"Of course. Will you be staying for dinner?"

"Uh if that's ok?"

"Of course. I'll get started. Are you ok with chicken and rice?"

"Yeah thats ok."

"Oo! This is the best part!"

She turned to the TV again. She wasn't really paying attention. Why was there robots ninjas in San Francisco. And what did he mean by best part?

After dinner Dolos retreated into his office.

"Is still don't have any money to pay for any of this."

"Once again did I ask?"

"No but..."

"Do you have anywhere to go, it looks like it's going to rain."

"Why do you care."

"I just do. We don't have a spare bed but you can sleep on the sofa. Still don't know your name."

"And you're never gonna."

"Well I'm going to go get you a blanket and some pillows."

Alana sat down on the sofa when Alpheus left. It didn't take long for him to come back.

"Here you go! Are you going to sleep in those or would you like to borrow some pyjamas?"

"This is fine. Thanks."

"Ok my room is down that hall to your left. See you tomorrow!"

Alpheus was the first one up that morning. He dragged himself to the kitchen to make some coffee. He tried to be quiet he didn't want to wake her. Unfortunately he didn't realise how light a sleeper she was.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh! Morning sorry to wake you. I'm making coffee do you want some?"

"No I'm ok."

"What about food you've got to be hungry."

"What time is it?"

"Uuh half six."

"In the morning?!"


"Ok so you're a crazy morning person. "

"Not crazy just an early bird."

When she didn't respond Alpheus went back to making his coffee. He almost didn't hear the front door shut.

Alpheus: how dare you. We're family!! We bonded and everything!!
Alana: we hid from Kaiko.
Alpheus: that counts!!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now