swan princess au

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I read a prompt on tumbler 'character gets followed around by cat after they pet it' and it made me think of a new au. Protues is an ass. Enjoy!!

Protues had been experimenting with some new potions lately. He'd been hoping to find a way to increase Alpheus' connection to Lumuria in hopes of finding it. He finally found a potion he though would work and began brewing it.

Three hours later they potion was finally done. He went to Alpheus' room, he had gone to bed hours ago. He woke Alpheus up and convinced him to drink the potion. It wasn't easy but eventually Alpheus drank the whole thing. It tasted horrible. For a few seconds nothing happened then there was a puff of smoke and Alpheus was gone. In his place was a small black kitten. Protues panicked. Nereus hadn't exactly approved of him experimenting on his young apprentice and he would not be happy when he found out what Protues had done.

Alpheus seemed to be in a similar position, he seemed just as worried about his new form as Protues was. Protues knew he couldn't keep Alpheus here, Nereus would find him. So he came up with a plan.

"Don't worry Alpheus, I have an idea. There's a market not far from here I'm sure they'll have what we need."

Alpheus followed Protues out of his room and down to the docks. When the floating market came into view Alpheus immediately recognised it. It was where Nereus found him. He had a bad feeling about this but he followed Protues off the boat anyway.

They walked for a few minutes then Protues told him to wait for him by an old abandoned stall. Alpheus waited there for hours but Protues never came back for him. He realised very quickly that he was on his own.

Over the years Alpheus started to think of the old stall as hid home. It was quieter than the rest of the floating market no one bothered him. He'd gotten good at sneaking around and stealing food he rarely got caught. Unfortunately this was one of those times. He was running from Hammerhead after stealing one of his sandwiches.

Hammerhead almost caught him when he was suddenly grabbed by someone.

"Seriously Hammerhead chasing a cat?"
"That cat stole from me, and no one steals from me and gets away with it."

"They're just a kitten, leave them alone."

The girl set him down, Alpheus ran for the first boat he could find.

A few hours later the same girl ran on with a boy following close behind her. The boy started the boat just as Hammerhead's son ran up the gang plank. Alpheus saw him fall.

He walked over to the pair and meowed.

"Oh hello again!"

The girl bent down and tried to pet him but Alpheus jumped back.

"Fontaine leave the cat alone."

"Ant we can't just leave him here, we're almost a mile from the floating market he'd never make it back on his own."

The two jumped when Finn pulled himself up onto the boat.

"Stop the boat."

"Ant, kill the engines."

"The Captain is waiting for you. I don't want to have to do this the hard way."

Fontaine's comm beeped.

"Then... ...We'll make it easy for you."

Fontaine grabbed Alpheus and her and her brother ran over to the side of the boat.

"We're leaving."


The pair jumped off and landed in the boat with their parents. They immediately sped off.

"Fontaine where did you get that cat?"

"I found him on the boat, he stole a sandwich from hammerhead earlier I think he was hiding from him."

Will laughed.

"Well anyone crazy enough to mess with Hammerhead is ok in my book. What's his name?"

I don't think he has one."

Alpheus was sat on the floor of their boat. He was a little mad at them,  he liked his name but there was no way to tell them what it was.

"I'm gonna call him floof ball."

"We're not calling him floof ball Ant."

Alpheus was really starting to consider swimming back to the floating market.

Alpheus doesn't really hate Nereus in this au he actually misses him and any time he's on the Nektons submarine he trys to go with him. The Nektons get very confused when he attacks Protues.

Also the name is just a place holder does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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