raccoons aren't blue and definitely don't live on the Aronnax

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Guess who's back!!!

Alpheus was beginning to regret his life choices. Specifically the ones that lead to him, on the Aronnax, wearing am alien mask about to break into his (ex?) Nemesis'room. He wondered why he didn't just avoid the Nektons. He could have found Lumuria without interfering with them and he would have been fine, or maybe he'd still be inside the jellyfish.

He decided to stop thinking about what that would be like and instead entered Ant's room. It was a mess. Comics, food, drinks and clothes were thrown everywhere. Alpheus decided to clear himself a small path so he wouldn't trip and fall while making his escape. He made sure to be absolutely silent while doing so.

As soon as the path was clear he made his way over to the bed. He gently shook Ant awake.

"Noooo five more mi- AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"

Alpheus sprinted out full speed hoping he'd get away before Will and Kaiko showed up. He ran to the hide out to wait out the search. Fontaine appears not to long after he got there.

"You did grea! Ant's totally freaking out!"

"Yeah huh, I'm never doing that again."

"What!? Noooo come on you make a great alien!!"

"Sssssh keep your voice down do you want your family to find me?"

Alpheus said as he covered her mouth.

"Eww! Did you just lick my hand?!"

"Who's bring loud now huh?"

"You're worse than Ant."

Fontaine gasped and punched him in the arm.

"How dare you!"

"It's true."

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed. Try not to get caught."

"I will, night."

Fontaine left her hideout and went back to Ant's room. She told her parents that she didn't find anything and she was going back to bed.

Later that night Alpheus was in the kitchen trying to find something to eat. He had just found some left over pizza when Ant walked in. In his tired state Ant didn't notice Alpheus until he was already running out the door.


Ant chased what he assumed was a racoon half way around the aronnax before losing sight of it. Ant huffed and made his way back to the kitchen. On the way there he had an idea. If he wasn't fast enough to catch the raccoon maybe he'd just have to set a trap for it. Ant sprinted back towards his bedroom to come up with an idea.

By the time Kaiko had made breakfast the next morning Ant was ready. He'd seen enough cartoons to know how to make a perfect trap. Now he just needed to gather the materials and set it up.

"Mum can I borrow your welding gun."

"... why do you need a welding gun?"

"So I can make a trap to catch the raccoon."

"The raccoon?"


"The blue racoon?"



"What come on!!"

"No Ant. What were you even going to use it for?"

"I'm making a trap for it!"

"Still no."

"This is so unfair."

Alpheus is going to be so confused by the cartoon style traps Ant lays out

Heyyyyyyy. I know I've been gone for a while, I'm sorry. I am also really sorry that I've forgotten what stories people have requested I do so if you still remember what you want done please tell me. Once again so sorry I only meant to leave for a month.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!!

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