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It's bonding time!!

It had been a few days since Heather had joined Ryker's crew, it was nerve recking to say the least. Dagur was constantly dragging her around the ship showing her off to all the other crew members. He was constantly cheering her on for the smallest of things, hitting the target with her axe, pulling off a manoeuvre or spotting dragons in the distance. It was starting to get annoying.

Despite this being Dagur's sister had its perks. No one questioned her, not after what happened to Ryker, she could go anywhere and do anything she wanted. It made gathering information all to easy.

"Hey Heather! What are you up to?"

Well almost no one.

"Hey Alpheus."

Heather smiled, stepping away from Ryker's desk, hoping Alpheus wasn't too suspicious.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, of course! No problems here!"

Alpheus looked at her for a few seconds before glancing at the desk behind her.

"Are you, trying to brake into Ryker's desk?"

"Noooo, definitely not why would I wan-"

"Here let me help you!"

Alpheus pulled out a set of keys from his pocket.

"I stole his keys and made copies! It comes in very handy when he takes my tools!"

He handed Heather the keys who immediately turned around and started opening desk drawers. She eventually found what she was looking for, the ships charter as well as maps detailing dragon hunter friendly ports. She quickly copied down the information then left everything back where she found them.

She made her way back to her room to stash her copies until she could smuggle them to Astrid. Realising she still had Alpheus' keys she set about trying to find him. As handy as the keys would be she wasn't sure if her brother was the type to hold a grudge. She honestly wasn't sure what her brother was like, unlike Dagur he spent very little time on deck he only coming out to help when captured dragons or to test out new contraptions he couldn't test out in his room.

"Oh hi again, did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yes, thanks for you help. Thank you for letting me borrow your keys, here."

"You can keep those, I have a bunch Ryker always takes any he finds."

"Are you sure?"

"If course, he's probably going to change the locks next time we get to home base so it's not like it will work for much longer anyway."

"Oh, thank you."

"No problem Heather! Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you get settled in!"

Alpheus went back to sketching.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm not the best with your typical weapons, but I'm quite handy with a crossbow. So I want to make a small pop up crossbow that can fire darks filled with pure dragon root extract. I also need to make a small holster for the darts."

"Sounds... handy?"

"I'm only doing it so Dagur will leave me alone. He gets really worried when I head out alone. Hopefully this will keep him off my back."

"Do you think it'll work?"

"Nope, but it can't hurt to try."

"Mmmh he does seems like the obsessive type."

"Yeah, he storta reminds me of my aunt."


"Yeah, she's a lot like Dagur she was just better at hiding it. Her kids weren't much better, last time I saw them they were chasing the village bully around with a fire worm of a stick."

"They sound like a handful."

"Mmh, they were. Wonder what they're up to now."

Meanwhile on the edge

"We left you three alone for five minutes and not only did you manage to lose the gronkles but you burnt down half of Snotlout's hut!!!"

"My S!!!! There will be repercussions for this!!!"

Ant and the twins laughed nervously as Astrid and Fontaine glared at them.

"So what do you have to say for yourselves?!"

"They started it!! They said they were better pranksters than me!! I personally can't let slander like that slide!!"

Fontaine face palmed as her brother smiled smugly.

"We were wrong, he is truly a master prankster."

"We have so much to learn from you!!"

"Well that will have to wait, you're all grounded."


"Uncalled for!!"

Back on the ship

"Well, anyway. I'd better get on deck, Dagur promised to help me with this new gadget I'm working on."

Alpheus grabbed hid bag and headed up on deck leaving Heather alone in his room wondering if insanity runs in the family.

Alpheus and Heather are *Bonding* sorta. Do crimes count as bonding? Probably.

Alpheus does not realise Heather thinks he's her brother brother. She now thinks she has an aunt and cousins no one has mentioned. She's starting to wonder how big her family tree is. She'll figure it out.

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now