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I forgot about this au I'm sorry.

At half five Alpheus finally arrived to pick her up. Fontaine's parents didn't really want her to go on dates. So she had lied and said she was hanging out with Alpheus and Kayda for the day. The two agreed to cover for her but only this one time.

The ended up stopping at Alpheus house so sue could quickly change before heading out to the restaurant. When she finally got there she found Finn already waiting at the table.

"Fontaine! I was beginning to think you'd stood me up."

Finn teased.

"I can still walkout you know."

"Alright, I take it back. Now what would you like to eat?"


Meanwhile Alana and Maddy were hiding in a bush on the other side of the parking lot.

"What are they doing?"

"Fontaine just sat down, it looks like they're talking.... oh! Now she laughing."

"Let me see!"

Maddy jumped forward and grabbed Alana's binoculars.

"Hey! Give that back!"

"Nuhu, they're mine now!"

The pair continued to argue until they heard someone behind them clear their throat.

".... hi Alpheus."

"This is really immature you know."

"Yes Alpheus."

"Honestly spying on Finn and Fontaine from the bushes honestly."

"We're sorry."

"..... wanna come join me and Kayda in the car?"

"Yes please!"

Alana and Maddy got up and followed Alpheus. They hopped in the back of the car and Alpheus immediately handed them popcorn.

"We have bets on what's gonna happen. I think Fontaine's gonna get bored and leave half way through. While Kayda thinks that Finn is gonna say something stupid and Fontaine is going to throw her drink at him."

"I agree with Kayda my brothers an idiot."

"Am I the only one who thinks it will go well?"

"Yes, yes you are."

A few seconds later Kayda opened the car door.

"I brought popcorn and drinks! Oh hello you two."

"Can I have popcorn."

"Wow, not even a hello."

"Hello, can I have popcorn."

"Thank you, here go."

Maddy grabbed the popcorn out of Kayda's hand then hopped back into her seat.

"Thank you!"

Maddy immediately began munching down on the popcorn. Meanwhile Alpheus, Alana and Kayda had turned their attention back to the date.

The date was actually going quite well, Fontaine was having a good time surprisingly. Finn was actually a pretty decent guy and his jokes weren't half bad. By the time they got to dessert they knew a whole lot more about eachother than they did before.

For example Finn had no idea Fontaine could play guitar. He had insisted they get together sometime and she showed him. Fontaine had found out that Finn was fascinated by history. She figured he and her dad would get along.

That though was quickly scrubbed from her head. There was no way he was meeting her dad, why would she even think about that.

When the finished their desert they talked for a little longer before leaving to head home. When they got out the first thing they saw was Alana and Maddy running away from the restaurant. Finn shook hid head and sighed.

"Should have guessed those two would be here."

"Don't worry about it."

I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you then."

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now