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This was requested by Nevercanon. For context Ant and Fontaine live on land and are in high school/ secondary school.

Ant had been snooping around in Fontaine's room, he was bored. He was about to leave when he stumbled apon a couple of letters. There was one addressed to Jess, , Collin, a boy in Fontaine's chemistry class, another address to Oscar, a boy in Fontaine's math class, as well as Finn a boy in Fontaine's history class and finally one addressed to Ryan. Fontaine's ex boyfriend.

Wanting to be a good brother Ant decided to deliver them fir her and stuffed them in hid bag before running down stairs and out the door to the bus.

A few hours later while Fontaine was sitting in her biology class Hess came up to her.

"Hey Fontaine?"


"Did you put this letter in my locker?"

Fontaine looked at the letter Jess was holding in her hand. Fontaine blushed and quickly snatched the letter from her.

"Oh nonononono. You didn't read it did you?!"

"No, what is it?"

"Doesn't matter!"

Fontaine stuffed the letter in her bag. She quickly pulled out her phone and texted Ant. She knew he had something to do with this.

*Ant. Did you put a letter in Jess' locker?*

*yeah! I delivered all of them, you're welcome*

Fontaine's stomach sank. She was going to kill him, Ant had just sent out the love letters Fontaine had wrote two years ago. She knew she should have thrown them away.

Jess was still asking questions but thankfully the bell went for lunch and she was able to escape. She went to find Alpheus, he was the only one in the friend group who could pick locks. She was hoping she'd be able to steal the letters back before the guys read them.

She found Alpheus out side eating under a tree like usual.

"Alpheus thank god. I need your help."

"What us it this time."

"Ant delivered my love letters."

"...... what?"

"You hear me!! Now come on I need you to break into some lockers."

Alpheus sighed and put his book down.

"Fine, but I'm gonna tease you about this for he rest of your life."

"That's fine just hurry!! I do not want Ryan to read the letter."

"You wrote one to Ryan? This day just keeps getting better and better."

Alpheus laughed as he followed her.

Meanwhile, Finn and Alana had snuck off campus and down to the local ice cream shop. Finn's girl friend had broken up with him over the weekend and he wanted to eat ice-cream and rant about it.

"I still can't believe she broke up with me, and over text too!!!"

"Hmm, that sucks."

"And I saw her with Jacob, Jacob of all people! I'm way better than that assh*le!!"

"Finn there's no need to yell."


Finn ended up getting them both kicked out and they reluctantly made there way back to school. Lunch was almost over so the two made there way to their lockers to grab there books.

Finn didn't notice the letter at first but Alana did.

"Oooo~ what do we have here?"

At that moment both Fontaine and Alpheus rounded the corner. They hadn't been able to steal back Ryan's letter but they were hoping they could steal back the rest before they could read them.

When Fontaine saw Alana holding the letter she immediately started blushing. It only got worse when she started to read it out loud.

"Dearest Finn. I don't have the courage to tell you this to your face, so I've write it down in this letter that I will one day give to you.... oh my god Finn!! Its a love letter."

"Give me that."

Finn attempted to snatch the letter out of her hand.

"Ohoho, Finn! Guess who it's from~"

"Give me the letter, for god sake."

Suddenly the bell rang. Alana hummed and reluctantly handed Finn the letter.

"We need to talk about this, meet me at the old oak tree after school."

Finn and Alana then spilt off. Fontaine was about to follow him when she heard someone yell her name. It was Ryan. She immediately ran towards her history class. She did not want to deal with him, not today. Ryan attempted to follow her but Alpheus stopped him pretty quickly.

She sat down at her desk and slammed her head down on the table. She couldn't wait for this day to be over.

"Hey Fontaine."

Fontaine turned and saw Finn, he was holding the letter and smiling at her. Fontaine wanted the ground open up and swallow her.

There will be a part two, don't worry.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!!

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