Alpheus the cat Au

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Alpheus is a dad now. Enjoy!

It was early in the morning, Will was walking to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee before starting his day. As he walked past the living room he heard purring. He found it strange Alpheus never purred. He walked in and turned on the lights to get a better look.

Alpheus was fast asleep on a blanket with four kittens curled up next to him. William sat staring for a few minutes. He was trying to think of when Alpheus could have gotten the kittens but they hadn't surfaced in almost two days and they were miles underwater.

Alpheus seemed to be annoyed by the lights and woke up. He glared at William.

"Alpheus where did you get those kittens?"


"We're eight miles underwater, how!?"

Alpheus didn't respond, he almost seemed to be smiling. William just sighed and shook his head.

"Fine, but we're gonna have to name them."


Alpheus lay back down next to the kittens. William picked up a small gray kitten, he named him Smokey. The next one he picked up was also gray with a little bit of white under her chin he named her Cinder. He picked up a tabby next, he named him Pepper. The last kitten was a very small tabby kitten, he named him Cosmo.

Will sat with the kittens for a little Alpheus was watching him closely, making sure his kittens were ok. William eventually got up and got his coffee, when he got to the kitchen Kaiko was sat there with two cups of coffee.


Kaiko handed him one.

"Thank you. Also, Alpheus has kittens."

".... what?"

"Alpheus, he has kittens their names are Smokey, Cinder, Pepper and Cosmo."

"When did he get kittens?!"

"How should I know?"

Kaiko didn't really believe him so she walked into the living room and found Alpheus curled up with four kittens.

"Oh my god, they're so cute! Can I hold one?"

Alpheus looked up at her for a few seconds before nodding. Kaiko gently picked one up, it was the bigger tabby. Now the kittens were wide awake and running around. When Ant walked in two of the kittens immediately pounced on one of his feet.

"Where did these kittens come from!?"

"We have no idea."

Ant picked up one of the kittens and sat down beside his mum.

"So do they have names?"

"Smokey, Cinder, Pepper and Cosmo."

Ant started laughing when Alpheus was suddenly knocked over by one of the kittens. Alpheus took that personal and jumped at Ant.

"No! I'm sorry!!"

Ant had to put the kitten down as Alpheus hissed and hit him with his paw. All of Alpheus' kittens has stopped to watch and eventually joined in.


Kaiko couldn't help but laugh. She eventually took pity on her son and pushed Alpheus off of him, gently of course. He continued to glare at Ant for several minutes before Fontaine walked in with Finn.

".... oh great another stray."

"Hey! .... aww the kittens are so cute!"

Finn reached down to pet one when he was suddenly attacked by Alpheus.

"Oww! Hey!"


"Oh that's Alpheus, don't worry he'll warm up to you."



Alpheus is like 'who is this weird kid and why is he trying to pet my kittens!'

I'm felling a little better, I've been quarantined in my bedroom so I won't give covid to the rest of my family.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

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