Swan Princess au

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I'm gonna skip to after the Nektons got the Ephemycron back. Enjoy!

Alpheus was sat on the bridge with Ant. He was staring at the Ephemycron all lit up. Ant was trying to figure out how to work it but Alpheus was more than happy to just chase the dots as Ant bounced ideas off of him and Jeffrey.

"I mean the Ephemycron is great but it doesn't link to any map."

Ant slammed his head down on the table.

"This is hopeless, I'm never gonna find Lumuria."

Ant looked over to Coffee who had stopped playing and was now staring up at a pair of dots.

"What are you doing Coffee?"

Coffee stood up and ran towards the door. Ant grabbed the Ephemycron and followed. Coffee lead him up ontop of the Aronnax.

"What now?"

Coffee sat and stared at the Ephemycron.

"Did you seriously bring me up here so you could play?!"



Ant turned on the Ephemycron, but Coffee didn't jump at the dots like he had been. He was looking up at the stars. Ant looked up just in time to see the dots aline with the stars.

When he looked down there was a huge map of the world with tons of symbols that Ant didn't recognise.


Ant laughed when Coffee jumped on one.

"Guess we're lucky we have such a smart cat."

'Damn right you are.'

Coffee thought as he watched Ant run towards the elevator doors.

"Hey wait up!"

Ant ran to William's study where Will and Nereus were going over all the maps they could find.

"Dad! Coffee figured it out!"

"Figured what out?"

"The Ephemycron! It doesn't point to earth, it points to the stars!"

Ant turned the Ephemycron on and William was in awe, even Nereus seemed impressed.

"It seems you have a very smart cat William."

"Yea it seems we d- COFFEE NO!!!"

Coffee had started drinking Will's coffee. Again. Will picked him up and set him on the floor. Coffee meowed and jumped back up.

"Coffee no you know you're not allowed any coffee!"


"We're not having this discussion, no coffee."

A few weeks later Fontaine was going to the bridge in hopes of learning to use the Ephemycron. She found that it was already on and Coffee was chasing the dots.

"Umm Ant?" Fontaine spoke into the comms.


"Did you turn on the Ephemycron?"

"No why?"

"I think there's an intruder on board."

Kaiko, Will and Ant meet Fontaine on the bridge.

"How did they get in?! And how did they turn on the Ephemycron?!"

"I have no idea."

Ant turned it off much to Coffee's annoyance. He jumped up onto the table beside it and twisted the top once again activated it. The Nektons were stunned.

"Did he just?"

".... this is not a normal cat."


"He must be a Lumurian cat."


"That's so cool, we should tell Nereus!"

"Yea when he decides to show up."

Fontaine set her tablet down on the table, it was unlocked. Alpheus got and idea.

He started typing out, 'my name is Alpheus'. Unfortunately Fontaine swiped the tablet before he could finish.

"What are you doing Coffee?"

Fontaine looked down at the tablet.

"You're trying to tell us you're name?"

Alpheus nodded.

"You're not a cat are you?"

Alpheus shook his head.

"Well things just got interesting."

The Nektons are finally figuring it out. Alpheus couldn't be happier.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now