little monster au

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It's baaaack!

Alpheus had been on the Aronnax for two days now and it was going well so far. Ant was still determined to prove to his family that Alphues remembered everything but no one believed him. Every single time he'd get his parents Alpheus would go back to acting all innocent. It was driving Ant insane.

Ant eventually just decided to lock himself in his room and hope that Alphues would leave him alone. Alpheus of course, did not.

"Hey Ant."

"What do want Alpheus."

"Nothing! I'm just here to say hi!"

"Get out of my room!"

"I'm not in your room!!"

Ant looked up. Alpheus was stood on the doorway smiling.

"Get. Out.'

"But I'm not in your room! See, in. Out. In. Out. In-"

Alpheus started jumping in and out of the doorway. Pretty soon Ant had enough. He stood up and started walking towards Alpheus. When Alpheus noticed him coming closer he ran.



Ant chased Alpheus down the hall. Ant had almost caught up to him when Kaiko rounded the corner. Alpheus immediately ran and hid behind Kaiko.

"Alphues? Ant, what are you doing?!"

"He- he was in my room!"

"I-i just wanted to s-say hi."

"No he didn't! He wanted to annoy me!"

Kaiko sighed and shook her head.

"Ant, he's a kid. He probably didn't realise he was annoying you."


"No buts Ant, now Alpheus do you want to help me make dinner?"

Alpheus nodded and followed Kaiko towards the kitchen. Before he rounded the corner he managed to flip Ant off without Kaiko seeing. Ant huffed then walked back to his room.

About half an hour later Ant made his way to the kitchen. He was starting to get hungry and was hoping dinner was ready. He found Alpheus sitting on the table eating from the cookie jar.

"Hey! Those are mine!"

"Kaiko said I could have them."

"Well to bad they’re mine!"

Ant grabbed the cookie jar and pulled it way from Alpheus.

"Give them back."

"Or what? Are you gonna cry?"

Alpheus though for a moment before smiling. Suddenly Alpheus began sobbing. Ant was about to start laughing until he heard rushed footsteps of his mother coming down the hallway. By the time he realised what was happening it was to late and Kaiko was already through the door.

"Really Ant?"

"Oh come on! You never let me have cookies before dinner! Why are you letting him have some!"

"I have let you have cookies before dinner Antaeus. I remember less than a month ago you stole the whole jar and ate them less than a hour before dinner."

".... ok true but come on!"

"Give him back the cookies Ant."

Ant rolled his eyes before handing the jar back to Alpheus.

"Happy now?"


Alpheus smiled and started eating the cookies again. After a few minutes dinner was ready and all the Nektons start down to eat. Alpheus was still having a little trouble with the chair. The Nektons had to add a booster seat onto of his chair so that he wasn't sitting eye level with the table.

After dinner Ant and Fontaine helped with dishes. Ant had no idea where Alpheus had gone but he had a feeling he was up to no good. When he was finally done he went to his room only to find Alpheus scribbling all over hid walls.


"I made a picture do you like it?"

Alpheus laughed and nodded his head. Ant was fuming.

"Why. Did. You. Use. Permanent. Marker. On. My. Walls."

"I was gonna draw on your comic books but they were too small, needed something big."

"..... come here you little sh-"

Anytime Ant's about to kill him Alpheus just goes crying to Kaiko or Will whoever's closer.

Next up (probably) Nereus meets baby Alpheus.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now