thats a child au

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This was suggested by dragonwoman33, it takes place in the Best friends au but its gonna be an au of it's own. Enjoy!

"What is it?"

"No idea, Alpheus stole it from Protues before he left."

"Does he know what it is?"

"I don't think so."

Maddy looked at the potion sat on the table and the cup of coffee Finn had been making for Alpheus.

"Hey I'm getting a call from Fontaine, can you bring Alpheus his coffee?"

"Of course."

Maddy smiled as Finn left the room. She uncorked the bottle and poured about half of the potion into Alpheus' coffee. She then walked into Alpheus' study and handed it to him.

"Thank you so much."

Alpheus downed the cup without a second thought. Maddy internally laughed. A few hour later when she heard a high pitched scream from Alpheus' study she wasn't laughing anymore.

Finn and Maddy ran as fast as they could to Alpheus' study. They found Alpheus in his chair, as a five year old.

"What did you do Maddy?!"

"What why me!"

"It's always you Maddy!"

"Well.... ok I put the potion in Alpheus' coffee, I'm sorry."

Alpheus got up and attempted to yell at Maddy, but tripped over his wet suit.

"Maybe we should find you something else to wear."

Finn picked Alpheus up off the floor. He glared at Maddy as he attempted to walk in his oversized wetsuit. Finn had to go out and buy Alpheus new clothes. There was nothing on Aria that fit him.

Alpheus hated being a kid, he couldn't reach anything. He'd only been a kid for a few hours and he was already so angry. Finn and Maddy were not helping, they were calling him adorale and laughing as he yelled at them.

"Aww come on you're cute when you're angry."


Alpheus stormed out of the room and made his way to the kitchen. He huffed as he pulled a chair over to the counter so he could make himself a cup of coffee. But he still couldn't quite reach the coffee maker or the cupboard. He had to pull himself up onto the counter and stand on them so he could grab them.

"Alpheus no!"

Finn scooped him off the counter by his armpits.

"No coffee."


"And I'm the oldest."


"Right I know who can settle this."

Finn took out his phone and called Fontaine.

"Hey Finn, what's up?"

"Alpheus got turned into a four year old-" "five, five year old" "Yeah whatever, anyway he seems to think he's still in charge. But I think it should be me, what do you think?"

"... let me see."

Finn turned on the camera.

"Here he is, isn't he adorable?"

"Haha! Yeah, you're definitely in charge Finn."


"Oooh, don't let mum see him she'll try to adopt all of you."

"Noted. Thanks for your help."

"Hey wait can you come and pick me up Ant's being annoying."

"Of course."

Alpheus sighed.

"I don't get a say in this do I?"

"No now it's what 8 o'clock it's way past your bed time."


"Awww someone's cranky. We'll come get you as soon as I put Alpheus to bed."

Fontaine laughed. Alpheus glared at him and then bolted for the door.

"HEY NO! Fontaine I'll call you back one second."

Finn hung up and told Aria to set a course for the Aronnax. Finn and Maddy spent hours searching for Alpheus but couldn't find him anywhere. They were starting to get worried. They has begun searching for Alpheus in one of his old studies when he walked in holding an empty cup of presumably coffee.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Seriously Alpheus. Go to bed!"


Finn and Maddy now have the chance to baby Alpheus. He was supposed to be like 11 years old but I made him five because now Maddy and Finn can just pick him up when he's being a little sh*t.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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