werewolf au

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Well you finally get to find out what Will is enjoy!

Kaiko was heading to her and Will's room. Will had left the kitchen in a hurry during breakfast and no one had seen him since. Kaiko was starting to worry.

When she walked in she found her husband stood in the middle of the room with a large pair of wings on his back.


Will jumped and quickly turned around to see Kaiko standing by the door. Will immediately hid his wings hoping that Kaiko hadn't seen them.

"Ah- Kaiko is something wrong?"

"You have wings, and you didn't tell me?!"

"I'm sorry Kaiko, I- I just didn't know how to tell you."

"We've been married for twenty years Will!"

Meanwhile Ant, Alpheus, Alana, Finn, Maddy and Fontaine were going to a forest right beside a near by beach. There weren't many people around, it was really just them.

"Right, I know there's no one around but we should still be careful. That means no wings no tails, Ant Maddy, pick a form and stay in it."

"What, come on! That's not fair!"

Alpheus just sighed and shifted into his wolf form. Ant huffed and started walking out into the forest, Fontaine decided to follow him. soon as he and Fontaine were out of his sight Ant started shifting.

As the two walked Ant would constantly switch his forms, he'd only just gotten control over it and was have a fun time showing off. Fontaine however was starting to get an uneasy feeling.

"Ant cut it out."

"Why? Are you jealous that my powers are better than yours?"

"Firstly mine are definitely better than yours and secondly someone could see you!"

"There's no one around for miles! No ones gonna see me!"

As soon as the words left his mouth a tranquilliser dart flew past his face. Ant jumped back and shifted into his wolf form. Fontaine ran towards her brother, she jumped up onto his back. As soon as she did Ant ran. Unfortunately they got lost.

After a few minutes of wondering aimlessly around the forest they found a  large river.

"Follow the river, it should lead us to the beach."

Meanwhile Will and Kaiko had finally stopped yelling and were sitting on the bed in an uncomfortable silence.

"I'm sorry Kaiko. I should have told you earlier its just."

"Just what."

"... I-I just, n-never mind."

"William, tell me."

"I was trying to keep you safe!"

"...Safe from what?"

Will went quiet after that. Kaiko figured he really didn't want to talk about it.

"Ok then, let's go get something to eat then check on the kids."


Ant and Fontaine were still trying to make their way back to the others, but they had walked and awful distance and they had no idea were the river would lead them.

Ant's ears perked up when he heard a distanced howl.

"Ant don't howl."

Ant huffed and barked at her.

"We are trying to be quiet remember!"

Ant once again barked at her.


Alpheus had been half asleep when he heard a howl. He knew it wasn't a wolf, it sounded far to fake for that. He quickly shifted into his human form much to the annoyance of Maddy who had been using him as a pillow.

"What the hell Alpheus!"

"All of you back to the Aronnax now."


"I said now!"

Alana seemed to understand and grabbed Finn and Maddy. She practically had to drag them back with her.

Alpheus shifted and ran as fast as he could into the forest, he just hoped he wasn't too late.

Mysterious people chasing Ant and Fontaine Alpheus won't stand for it. Also don't be mad a Will he just wanted to pretend to be human

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works

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