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Part two let's go!!!!

"Oh hi Finn."

Fontaine chuckled nervously, she was not looking forward to this conversation.

"So, about your letter."

"Look, I'm really sorry. I wrote them years ago and Ant found them and sent them out."

"Wow, sounds like you're have a bad day."

"Yeah tell me about it."

Fontaine sighed.

"You know what the worst part was? He sent one to my ex."

"Oh that sucks."

"Yeah tell me about it."

There was a few seconds of silence between the two before Finn spoke again.

"Soo, I was thinking-"

Finn got cut off when the teacher walked in.

"Alright everyone take out your text books and turn to page 96."

Finn hurried back to his seat. He did not need another detention.

Once the class was over Finn tried to talk to Fontaine but she was the first person out the door and he quickly lost her in the crowd. Fontaine keep her head down as she walked to her geography class. She couldn't wait for this day to be over so she could finally yell at her brother.

Unfortunately Ryan was waiting for her right outside her class room.

"Hey baby."

"Don't call me that."

Ryan smiled.

"I thought you liked it when I called you that? And if your love letters anything to go by then-"

"Hey assh*le. Leave her alone."

He was cut off by Alpheus. Who had decided to skip the start of his English class to check on Fontaine. She couldn't hqve be more grateful as Alpheus practically dragged Ryan away by the ear.

The rest of geography was uneventful. She already knew all the material and was kinda bored. She was scrolling threw her phone when she got a text.

*Hey Fontaine, this is Finn. Alana gave me your number. Can we talk?*

Fontaine wanted to scream. Firstly how had Alana gotten her number. Secondly what did Finn want to talk about. She stared at the text for a few minutes before responding.

*how did Alana get my number?*

She wanted to avoid what ever Finn was going to ask her.

*long story anyway about the love letter. I was wondering if maybe we could go on a date?*

Fontaine could wanted to throw her phone across the class room.

*not a real one you know but I saw your ex bothering you earlier. If he thinks we went on a date then maybe he'll leave you alone.*

Fontaine didn't really know how to feel about this.

*and what's in it for you?*

*well I want to make my ex jealous. She's already moved on and I want her to know that I don't care at all*

*Idk Finn sounds like you still care*

*whatever are you in or not?*

Fontaine thought about it for a few seconds before texting him back.

*there's a restaurant called ***** meet me there at 6 don't be late*

*wouldn't dream of it princess*

*I'm already starting to regret this*

Fontaine then put her phone back in her pocket. She shook her head. This had to be the worst day of her life.

Meanwhile, Finn and Alana had chosen to skip last period. They were sat in a near by park.

"She said yes!"

"Great, where are you taking her?"

"Some restaurant, I'm honestly not really sure where it is. But this is perfect!"

"... what are you going to wear, did your ex ruin like your only decent outfit?"

"Hey! I have plenty of decent outfits, I'm wearing one right now."

".. one, two, three, four, five, yeah I'm counting five holes in your shirt alone."

"... ok maybe I should do some clothes shopping, gotta look my best for our 'date'."

Alana shook her head.

"Don't you have to babysit Maddy tonight?"

"....f*ck. Can you cover for me?!"

"Sure, but it will cost ya."

"Thanks, I'm gonna run to the shop, I'll talk to you later."

Alana waved as Finn ran away. Alana smiled shook her head. Finn was way to excited for this 'fake date'. She pulled out her phone. School was almost over, she'd have to go get Maddy soon. Maybe she'd like to come with her and help her make fun of Finn while he got ready for his 'fake date'.

Alana, Alpheus, Jess and Maddy are probably gonna end up with a group chat call 'how do we get the idiots together' where they're all trying to get Finn and Fontaine to admit there feelings to eachother.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now