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StitchOsaurs requested this Enjoy!

The Nektons were exploring an old Lumurian ruin. It was hidden in miles of maze like caves. Each of the cave walls had old Lumurian symbols carved into the walls and ceilings. After a few hours of searching Ant accidentally got separated from the rest of his family.

The comms were no longer working, the rock walls were too thick. He and Jeffrey ended up swimming down a very unstable cave. It wasn't long before the ceiling began to collapse.


Ant and Jeffrey were just about to make it out of the cave when a rock fell and crushed Ant's leg.

"Jeffrey go get help!"

Jeffrey turned and darted out of the cave. He searched for a good twenty minutes before coming across Will.


Jeffrey swam in a circle.

"Where's Ant? Is he in trouble!?"

Jeffrey swam down the cave towards Ant. When Will got there he quickly got to work on getting the rock off of Ant's leg.

"Ow, OW careful!"

"Sorry Ant."

Will tossed the rock to the side and immediately picked his son off of the ground.

"I think my legs broken."

"Let's get you back to the Aronnax."

William got Ant back back to the Aronnax and put him in his study.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to take the mag Knight and fine your mum and sister."

"Ok, but please hurry."

William rushed down the hall and jumped into the Knights. Navigating the caves was hard, every tunnel looked extremely similar. He eventually ran into Kaiko.

"Will whats wrong?"

"There was a cave in, Ant broke his leg."

"What!? Is he ok?!"

"He's back at the Aronnax, grab on I'll take you there."

On their way back they found Fontaine. Kaiko was relieved and immediately hugged her.

"Mum? Whats going on?"

"There was a cave in, we need to get back to the Aronnax now."

Fontaine nodded and grabbed onto the mag knight.

Once they got to the Aronnax Kaiko ran down to the study to check on her son. He was sat on one of the stretchers.

"Ant are you ok?"

"Yea but my leg really hurts."

"Ok, I just need to do a quick x-ray and they we can get you something for the pain."

Ant nodded and Kaiko quickly grabbed the x-ray machine. Luckily it was only a minor break. Kaiko gave some painkillers to Ant then wrapped his leg in a cast.

"Alright, let's get you to bed."

Ant nodded. Kaiko grabbed some crutches and handed them to him. She helped him to his room and propped his leg up on the pillow.

"Get some sleep ok?"

Ant nodded and fell asleep. Kaiko sighed and made her way to the kitchen where the rest of her family was. When she walked in Fontaine immediately had questions.

"Is Ant ok?"

"His legs broken but other than that he's fine."

"Where is he?"

"He's asleep, he's had a long day."

Fontaine nodded. Kaiko walked past her and started making dinner. The Nektons collectively agreed not to go back into the cave and set a course for home base.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now