Raccoons aren't blue and they definitely don't live on the Arronax

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Thanks hrmnrmpfh for giving me this idea! I hope you enjoy!!

Roughly a month after Aria had sank Alpheus decided he had had enough of living on land. He managed to make a storage device that was powerful enough to run Aria while simultaneously being small enough to be easily carried.

Alpheus then snuck onto the Nearest ship and hitched a ride. It was a small cargo ship but it had plenty of places to hide. There were numerous rooms that the crew never used that Alphues decided would be perfect for a temporary bedroom.

He'd been there for a little over two weeks when the crew started to get suspicious. To much food was going missing and they were starting to look for stowaways. So at the next port Alpheus snuck off and went in search of another boat to hitchhike on.

After a few minutes of searching he came across a small submarine that was being loaded with supplies. He carefully climbed inside one of the crates and waited to be loaded on. Aria wasn't  able to warn him when people were approaching, there were no cameras on this ship unlike the last one.

He stayed there about a week until his luck finally ran out and he was caught late at night in the kitchen. In a panic Alpheus threw his food at them and ran out the door. There was a lot of yelling and crashing coming from the kitchen behind him as they guy attempted to chase him down. Alpheus ran to his makeshift room and grabbed his bag. He managed to make his way out on deck and steal a life boat before anyone one else could notice him.

When he finally got to shore he once started his search for a new boat or submarine. He eventually heard about a large submarine that was picking up supplies nearby. It sounded like it would be great. A big submarine would have plenty of places for him to hide and a big crew that probably wouldn't all know eachother so he could blend in much easier.

That night he once again snuck into a large crate and waited to be loaded onboard. Once he he loaded onboard he decided to wait a few hours before getting out just to be sure no-one was around. He was glad he did because when he climbed out he realised much to his horror that he was on the Aronnax.

The first thing he did was dive into a vent and pray that there weren't any cameras in the storage bay. Then he uploaded Aria to the Aronnax's system so that she could find out when Nektons would next be docking. Alpheus almost had a panic attack when he learned that the Nektons were doing a research project and would not be docking for months.

He spent several minutes in the vents trying desperately to figure out what to do. He couldn't let them know he was here, what if they were still mad at him and called the woa. He didn't have anyone he could call to come and help him escape. Alpheus came to the conclusion that he'd just have to wait until the Nektons docked again and hope no one saw him.

The poor guy just wanted a snack he didn't expect to get food thrown at him by a feral kid.

Second chapter today WOOOOOWWW

Trying to get back into the swing of daily uploads but I have 9-5 classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays soooo.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!!

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