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This was requested by Shiny_Espeon this chapter is about Kaiko's child hood. Tw: neglecte and child abuse.

It was long past dark when Kaiko finally decided sneak out of her room. She was sure her dad and step mum had gone to bed. Even so when she opened the she stayed absolutely silent. She had memorised every creaky floor board and avoided them like the plage. As she headed down the stairs she stayed close to the wall.

When she got to the kitchen she carefully opened the cupboard. She hadn't eaten in days and looking at all the food infront of her made her mouth water. She quickly but quietly grabbed as much as she could carry and made her way back to her room.

She stuffed most of it into the back of her closet hoping that her step mum wouldn't notice the missing food. She grabbed a couple of slices of bread and sat down on her bed as she ate it. She looked over at the calender beside her door. She was counting down the days until her 18th birthday so she could get out if this hell hole. She had a part time job and had saved up enough for an apartment. It was tiny only had one bed room and one bath room but anything was better.

'Just ten more days'

Kaiko said to herself as she lay down.

She didn't remember falling asleep but she was eventually woken up by her alarm. She immediately jumped up out of bed. She ran to her closet, both to check that her food was still there and to get ready for the day.

Once she was ready she crept down the stairs and quietly made her way to the door. He dad was passed out on the couch with several empty bottles of alcohol scattered around him. Kaiko had no idea where her step mum was and she didn't want to know. She carefully opened the door shutting and locking it behind her.

It was a long walk to the bus stop. It was usually alright, Kaiko actually enjoyed the time alone. It was very peaceful. When she got to the bus stop it was crowded, many of her classmates got the same bus. Kaiko pull out a pair of ear phones and started playing her music.

Ten days later when Kaiko's eighteen birthday rolled around she was packed and out the door as soon as the clock hit midnight. She walked all the way to her new apartment in the freezing cold. Her land lord was a lovely old lady who had taken been kind enough to offer her a room at a lower price, just until she got back on her feet.

When she walked into her room she couldn't be more relieved. She was finally free. She didn't bother to unpack and instead flopped down onto her new bed and fell asleep.

She woke up to the sound of her alarm a few hours later. She didn't have anywhere to be, school would be over in a few days and she didn't see the point in going there. She didn't have to work until later that night and she didn't have any friends to talk to. So she walked down the street to the old lady she was renting from, Mrs May. She was invited in for a cup of tea and the two ended up talking for hours.

By the time Kaiko was leaving it was almost time for her shift. That night she made a promise to herself that she would do everything thing in her power to make sure no kid ever had to feel alone again, just like Mrs May had done for her.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now