Kaiko's passion

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MihaelaAndrei3 suggested I do something about Kaiko's passions which as far as know are sea life, family time and adopting random kids so here we go!

The Nektons were exploring a new blue hole that had recently opened up. After the last time they'd explored one of these holes they had decided it was best to stay in the Knights. Kaiko was rasher exited to explore, she'd spotted some corals that had gone extinct thousands of years ago. Kaiko wanted to take pictures so she could document these discoveries.

"Muuum we've been here for hours, can you stop looking at coral so we can go deeper?"

"Ant there are hundreds of entirely new species! I could spend days cataloguing these!"

"Ant I think we lost mum."

"Oh no, not again! Dad! Mum's becoming a crazy coral lady again!"

"I am not, they're just interesting!"

They ended up spending another three hours documenting all of the sea life. Kaiko had fun, the rest of her family not so much.


Kaiko and Will were taking their kids to the theme park nearby. Ant couldn’t wait he and his mum had been talking about all of the rides they would go on. As soon as they past the gates Ant and Kaiko made a b-line for the fastest roller coaster. William and Fontaine refused to go on it they said they'd catch up after.

Ant and Kaiko had a blast, despite the long line both if them really enjoyed the roller coaster.

"Come on Ant, let's go catch up with your dad and sister."


The next ride they went on was on a river. They sat down on these little dinghies and talked as they went down the river. There were a few small rapids but other than that it was a very calm ride. Until they started to climb up a huge hill.

"Why are we climbing!? We're not supposed to be climbing!"

Fontaine grabbed onto her mum as the top of the hill came into the view.

When the ride was finally over Fontaine not happy.

"Never again!"

"Will, Ant why don't you two go on another ride while me and Fontaine get a drink?"

"Ok mum, see you soon!"

Ant and Will ran off.

"Come on Fontaine."

Fontaine and Kaiko sat down and talked for a while, it was nice to spend more time with her family.



aiko was on the floating market, she needed new parts for the rover. She had just gotten what she needed when she heard yelling.

She turned the corner to find Dolos yelling at Maddy. He immediately stopped when he saw Kaiko glaring at him.

Afew hours later Maddy and her brother were back on the Aronnax. Will was getting them set up with a room while Kaiko was making them dinner.

"Really Kaiko it's alright you don't need to make us anything."

"Sit down Finn, don't make me tie you to the chair."

Finn sighed and held his hands up in surrender. Soon Kaiko was setting down a plate in front of each of them. Finn and Maddy thanked her and started eating.

As soon as they were done Kaiko showed them to their rooms and told them to get some sleep. As soon as Finn and Maddy were asleep Kaiko called the woa.

"Kaiko, why are you calling?"

"I need you to send me some adoption papers."


"I think you know."

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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