incorrect quotes

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And I'm back at it again. Enjoy!

Ant: I don't know how to stop being stupid.
Ant: I am NOT asking for assistance in this matter.

Alpheus: What a nice day.
Maddy out of nowhere: Hey Alpheus do you think flies call us walks?
Alpheus: yep, there it is.

Alpheus, to Kayda, lying facedown on the bed, regretting everything: and then I called her mum
Kaiko, in the kitchen with Will, on the verge of tears: and then he called me mum :)

Finn: I don't think we can mansplain, manipulate or malewife our way out this time.
Alana cracking her knuckles: manslaughter it is.

Maddy: I would just like to remind you how much you adore us
Finn: and how boring your life would be without us.
Alana: What did you two do?!

Fontaine: Why do I need to 'Come out.'
Fontaine: if you still think I'm straight that's on you.


Any au where Alpheus is a cat

Finn, lightly touching Alpheus with the side of his foot: Alphie, move out of the way please so I don't trip on you.
Alpheus: You KICK Alpheus? You kick his body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for Finn! Jail for Finn for One thousand years!!!!

Hammerhead: Hello Nekton what seems to be the problem?

Alpheus: Everybody's tragic backstory gave them mad skills and all I got were trust issues and anxiety...

Fontaine: So, what are your powers?
Finn: I can shapeshift.
Maddy: I have super strength.
Alana: I can make good life decisions.
Ant: that's not a-
Finn: No, trust us. She's our most important member.

Finn: be honest
Finn: will I ever see my hoodie again
Fontaine: I haven't decided yet

Fontaine: Alpheus, is that legal?
Alpheus: When there's no cops around, anything's legal!

Finn: I promised Alana we wouldn't do anything illegal!
Maddy: Why would you lie to Alana like that?

Fontaine, on the phone: Remember how I said Finn and I were going to have a calm night out for once?
Alpheus: Yes.
Fontaine: Well, we're in jail.
Alpheus: *hangs up*

Finn, sweating: Fontaine, there's something i need to ask you-
Fontaine: finally! you're proposing!
Finn: how'd you know?
Fontaine: Finn, you've dropped the ring five times during dinner
Fontaine: i even picked it once

Ant: Are you trying to seduce me?
Maddy: Why? Are you seducible?

Alpheus: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase
Kaiko: Alpheus, that's a coma
Alpheus: Sounds festive

bartender, pointing at Ant: excuse me, is this man bothering you?
Maddy: yes. yes, he is, but he's my fiancé so i pretty much signed up for this

Alpheus: God, give me patience.
Ant: I think you mean 'give me strength'.
Alpheus: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.

Fontaine: Would it be Gay if I dated my best friend?
Jess: Fontaine we're already dating what the heck-

Alpheus: remember me?
Protues: are you questioning my memory or your relevance?

Flight attendant: Before we take off, please make sure all small items are secured.
Finn: [smiling and looking at Maddy]
Maddy: What?
Finn: Do you feel safe?
Maddy: F*ck you.

Ant: Breathe if you think I'm cool.
Ant: Alpheus, you're turning blue.

Maddy: You f*ckers don't know about my knife stick. It's a knife taped to a stick and it's the ultimate weapon.
Finn: ...
Alana, not looking up from their book: Spear.
Maddy: BLOCKED!!

That's all I've got for now, hope you enjoyed!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now