werewolf au

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Wolfgril12005 asked me to do back stories on how Fontaine and Ant were adopted hope you enjoy!! Tw: abandonment and mentions of starvation

Thirteen years ago Kaiko and William Nekton decided that they were going to adopt a child. They had been talking about it for years and were finally ready. They were on a mission for the woa when they found a young girl. She was alone at sea and didn't know where her parents were. Kaiko and Will couldn't just leave her there so they took her onboard.

After a few weeks it was clear that no one was looking for her. Kaiko and Will immediately adopted her. They didn't know her name so they picked one, Fontaine. Fontaine liked her new mum and dad, they always had time to play and seemed to know when she needed cheering up.

After a year or so the Nektons were exploring a small island. There wasn't anything there except some old ruins. William had been exploring a cave near the cliffs on the south side of the island when he found a child, he couldn't have been more than a year old. He looked like he hadn't eaten or drank anything in days. Will saw a note sitting on the ground, 'Please whoever finds this take care of my son'. William took him back to the Aronnax immediately.

When he got there Kaiko took one look at the kid and swore she'd kill whoever had left him here. Luckily after the kid had eaten he seemed alright. Kaiko decided to stay up all night keeping and eye on him while Will distracted Fontaine.

The next day Kaiko was woken up to the kid crying. Kaiko picked him up and tried to calm him down.

"Shhh, it's ok, shhhh."

After a few minutes the kid calmed down.


Kaiko sighed she didn't know what to do.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat ok."

Kaiko carried the kid to the kitchen, she'd already decided that they were keeping the kid but she was still thinking of a name. The note Will had given her didn't have a name or anything on it, she had no idea what to call him.

Will came in with Fontaine while Kaiko was making breakfast. Fontaine was extremely excited to meet her new brother. Kaiko and Will were both glad that Fontaine had taken such a liking to her new brother, William was sat on the floor with them while Kaiko continued making breakfast.

When they'd finished breakfast Kaiko and Will put Fontaine and the new kid, who they'd decided to name Ant, down for a nap. While they were asleep Kaiko and Will started looking through the cave for some answers. All they could find were some cave drawings on the walls, most of them depicted half wolf half people, however there were some strange symbols and depictions of a full moon. It gave them the creeps to say the least. Once they were sure there was nothing else to learn they headed back to the Aronnax.

"What's the woa gonna think?"

"About what, us finding some cave paintings or us finding a child?"

"Probably us finding the kid, what do you think all those symbols ment?"

"I have a theory."

"I'm scared to ask."


Will laughed.

"Come ooon, wolf people moons it's got to be Werewolves!"

"I doubt it."

Meanwhile miles away a young werewolf had transformed for the first time. He was so happy but his mother didn't share the same sentiment.

Let me know if you guys want to see more on the back stories in this au and if you'd like to see other characters as a mystical creatures.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works.

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