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This was requested by alyelena2007 enjoy

William, Kaiko, Bob and his wife Hannah had decided to go on a last minute trip on the Aronnax. They were exploring a blue hole that was found underneath a kelp bed. It was only supposed to be for a few days as Kaiko's due date was quickly approaching.  Hannah had had her child almost a month ago and was leaving her with her parents for the weekend, they wanted to have one last fun trip before they both became parents.

They were over a hundred miles from land when it happened. Kaiko Hannah were sat in the kitchen talking. Will and Bob had borrowed the rover to check out some ruins they'd come across. The two were just finished eating when Kaiko started to feel strange.

"Hannah I think somethings wrong."

"What do you mean Kaiko?"

"I don't know. God my stomach really hurts."

Hannah looked over in a panic.

"Kaiko you might be going into labour."

"But I'm not due for another week."

Hannah grabbed the comm and call Will and Bob.

"Guys back to the Aronnax now, we need to get Kaiko to a hospital."

"Why?! What's wrong?!"

"I think she's in labour, just hurry back."

Hannah then lead Kaiko to Will's study. All the medical equipment they would need was in the study anyway but Hannah would prefer it if they could get Kaiko to a hospital just to be safe.

When Will and Bob finally got back to the Aronnax after what felt like an eternity Bob ran to the bridge so he could pilot the Arronax whole Will checked on Kaiko. Will wasted no time and immediately raced down to the study. When he got there Kaiko was lying on on of there medical bed and Hannah was sitting next to her.

"Kaiko are you ok?!"

"I'm fine Wil- oooow."


"Yeah, f*ck that hurt."

"Can we give her any pain killers?"

"I think we should wait until we get to the hospital-"


"... that was way to quick, you shouldn't be having contractions this close together."

"What does that mean?"

"It means Bib better get us back quickly or she's having her baby on the Aronnax."

Unfortunately they didn't manageto get to land in time. Will had stayed by her side the entire time. They got to land Fontaine was already a few hour old. The first thing they did was get Kaiko to much hospital, just to make sure she was ok. And then they called Will's parents over to come and meet they're grand children.

"Aww, isn't she precious."

"What are you going to call her?"


"Aww, what a lovely name."

Kaiko sighed. It had been a long day and she was exhausted.

"Kaiko why don't you get some sleep?"

"Are you sure, don't you need help with Fontaine?"

"I'll be fine, don't worry."

Kaiko smiled softly and drifted off to sleep.

You all know that Kaiko and Will would not pass off an opportunity it explore Kaiko doesn't care if she's nine months pregnant.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works.

The Deep Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now