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Hi everyone! I'm back for now. Sorry for the long wait, life's just been a bit chaotic.

It was surprisingly quiet in the great hall during the feast, suddenly. Harrison glanced at his peers in confusion, considering the chance of someone being hurt again were small enough, now that it was just student and teachers in Hogwarts again, Harrison wasn't really sure what to expect.

So he sat in confusion as everyone around him only had hushed conversations.

His confusion faded when Blaise got up, Harrison rolled his eyes as he realised he must've gotten help from Fred and George, laced the food from the other tables to refrain people from making a lot of noise once they started eating.

"No one was hurt during the process," George elbowed him softly, winking at him. Harrison could feel Tom's curiosity matching his own over the link.

He looked at Blaise, raising an eyebrow almost challenging.

"Everyone told me this was stupid," Blaise stated dumbly, "But I'm shooting my shot anyways." He said confidently, looking around the great hall. "Harrison Black, I was going to do a whole magical thing, but then I realised that with your Magical knowledge it will be impossible to do something truly impressive and I mean this is more personal right? Anyways," He breathed in deeply, Harrison was impressed by how well he played the role, "Will you go to the yule ball with me?"

"You should've at least tried the magic," Harrison said, "But yes, I will." He answered and Blaise breathed out loudly, suddenly the chatter becoming louder once again, as well as sudden bangs around him.

The distraction gave Blaise the time to sit down without anyone coming to bother him immediately.

Fucking fireworks.

"How did you even get Fred and George to help you?" He asked as he looked at the roses that appeared on all the tables.

"Are you kidding me?" Blaise asked, "I didn't even have to ask."

Harrison looked at Tom, who as soon as he noticed Harrison's look- which was genuinely in record time- rolled his eyes very dramatically before smiling just slightly.

"Not too jealous?" Blaise asked.

"Hm?" Harrison hummed absent-minded.

"Jealous?" Blaise repeated.

Harrison shook his head, "Nah, he's good." He replied, "Are you ready for all the questions?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Blaise answered, slightly smiling. He extended a hand over the table and Harrison rolled his eyes, mirroring Tom's movement from earlier, but grabbed the hand.

"So what are we wearing?" Blaise asked suddenly, louder than their earlier hushed conversation.

Harrison smiled, "We'll find something." He answered, "We're going to be the hottest couple in that place."

"No doubt," Blaise easily agreed.

"So you guys spiked the food?" Harrison asked and Blaise shrugged.

"A magician never reveals its secrets."

"Whatever." Harrison rolled his eyes as Fred and George both took place next to him.

"So a boyfriend?" Fred asked and Harrison snorted.

"Bit young to be in a serious relationship, though, aren't ya?" George asked.

"Eh," Harrison shrugged and George's eyes were filled with mischief as he looked at where Tom was sitting.

"I mean, high school sweethearts, really?" He said slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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