The Unknown Legend

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Long ago, during the Silver Millenium Era
There was a drastic time of change
A change to a darker time....

Solar Knight, a young warrior who's birthright is unknown....
who's origins are even more clouded in mystery....
Was once a proud knight of the kingdom of the sun, and her majesty, the queen of the sun...

A kingdom no mere individual may tread, due to its power radiating from it.....

The queen, sole senshi of the sun, was very arrogant and selfish, often seeing the other planets as beneath her.....

She was so arrogant, that she believed the least the planets could do, is revolve around her planet and thusly, made it true....

The young knight grew tired of the queen's arrogant, selfish nature...
So he decided to abandon her and the kingdom for a better life....
This in turn weakened him drastically, for he was out of her blessings....

Sailor Inari, a young warrior maiden, who's birthright was noble and courageous.....
She was born unto a powerful, yet peaceful race, known as Inarians, a human and fox like race....
The planet they resided in, was a very technological advanced one, for the Inarians were very crafty and intelligent....

She would serve both the Queen of the moon and the royal family of Inari as a patrol senshi for criminals, threats, and so forth....
However, she would one day she would decide to enact justice in her own ways and with the notion that all criminals should be executed, for she deemed them the worst thing in existence, and shouldn't be shown mercy....

Due to her blood lust and coldness of her actions, despite being told numerous times to stop, she would be shunned from the earth... The moon.... And her own planet....for even her own people seen her as a monster....

The one named Solar knight would be asked by the moon Queen to go and capture Sailor Inari, for she seen him quite capable of doing so...
He would, in turn, accept the task, then fly off in his ship to find the bloodthirsty senshi....
She wasn't even called sailor inari anymore by all three societies, for she was nicknamed "the blood blade"....

After a while of searching, he would find the rogue senshi, who was on a desolate floating rock, in the middle of nowhere....

He would ask her to drop her weapons and surrender, however, she would instead, draw them....thus, started a battle like no other....  

Days would fall into weeks, as they battled....
The clashing of blades and words would bring forth understanding in one another, for they shared similar issues....

They both were alone....
They both were never heard....
They both abandoned their kingdoms...

However, their twinkle of a relationship, would soon falter, as the moon kingdom was destroyed by Metallia and Beryl's invasion....

The two watched in awe, as the kingdom was snuffed out and destroyed, like one would cover a candle's flame.... 

It was as quick as that....

The two decided that they have both failed....
So they had one last bout to finish the fight....
Thus ending their lives.....
During their final breaths, they vowed that if they were to rebirth, that they would rebirth as close friends, so neither would live in loneliness again....

Thus dawned a new life...
A new era...
And a new story....

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