Chapter 5: Hell On Earth R

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From the castle window with my senshi, i seen a dark purple mass shoot up into the sky off in the distance. It would then expand and blanket the sky rapidly and would block out the moon entirely. It was almost as if someone threw a blanket over the city.

"Your majesty! The city!" Said minako.

"I seen.... But what is it i wonder... " i said, not diverting my gaze at it all.

Suddenly, creatures started to materialize all over, along with a fleshy, viney growth that wrapped itself onto buildings. Demons and yokai, all over, dotted the city. They would then begin to attack the people and start destroying things.

"Demons?! Oh no!!" Said makoto.

"I knew it, my visions never fail me! It has to be that man i saw! " rei said.

"Alright, katsumi is probably already investigating the source, since she was last in that area. Two of you go assist her, rei go and try to comb the city for the individual responsible, the rest go and rescue as many people as you can and do damage control! " i commanded.

"Yes, your majesty! " they all said in unison before departing.

My daughter, Usagi, would walk up to me in her sailor senshi attire.

"Mom, I'm ready to join in the fray!" She said with confidence.

"Dear, these aren't mere gangsters and crooks, these are flesh hungry monsters!" I said, trying to help her get a feel of the situation.

"I know mom, and I'm not afraid... " she said, looking me in the eye.

As i looked at her, she reminded me so much of myself from when i was sailor moon. She looks almost identical to me so much.

I would smile and nod.

"Yes!! " she cried for joy.

"Stay with minako and don't get into trouble, understand? Play it safe!" I said.

"I will mooooom!! " she said while running off.

My husband, king Endymion, as well as the cat advisors, luna and artemis, as well as their teenage daughter, diana, would join me at the window. There were screams and fire outside, it was utter hell out there.

"This is horrible.... " said endymion.

"This completely took us by surprise! There were no readings at all prior to this! " said luna.

"All those people.... " said Artemis.

"I'm scared.... " said diana, as she watched everything in horror.

"I put my faith and trust in my sailor guardians as well as my daughter. They're more than capable of subverting this calamity.... " i said, as i looked on at the carnage.

Why would someone do this?
Out of spite?
This is probably the worst attack I've ever seen or encountered before. No normal youma is responsible for something of this magnitude...

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