Chapter 1: Invitation to a new life R

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My name is San Manfred, I live off on my own. Originally, I was an orphan that was raised by a Japanese stunt biker, named Akira Mikasa and his family. His family in question, is a family of Inarians. Inarians are a fox/human hybrid race that have fox ears, two fox tails, claws, and fox fangs. They have acute hearing and smell, along with supernatural strength and endurance. With males, they are meant for battle, hunting, and construction, for their genetics grant them extra strength and stamina, as well as tougher skin. Females are highly praised for their dexterity, skill, and speed, mainly due to maternal genetics. They're typically faster, nimbler, have a "mom mode" sort of feature to protect their "pups" from danger.... And when they go "mom mode"....its terrifying because they gain enhanced strength and durability to be able to tear apart a bear in seconds!

My mother, Tamono Mikasa, is a shrine priestess, and a high ranking one too. She is also the leader of the village, rescuing a ton of people during the feral plague crisis and getting them to earth. The woman I proudly call sister, Katsumi Mikasa, is a red head in her human form, white hair like me in her normal form, she also has a sense of goth fashion and a semi stoic personality. She is my big sister as a matter of fact, given that Inarians age at a slug's pace. So even though we look the same age, she is definitely older. I call her Kat, as her nickname primarily. She has a wife named Kikko Mikasa, a son named Hanzo Mikasa, and a daughter named Madori Mikasa. They were all born naturally, because Kikko is an Aquarin.

Aquarins are an endangered race, given that Kikko and Madori are the last ones. They are liquid based and can shapeshift as a result. No aquarin has a specific gender, because they can change them on the fly, making them the literal definition of "gender fluid". They were wiped out by a mysterious race called Vahallians, which as basically a giant, predatorial race of viking sort of people. Kikko only caught a glimpse of them as she fled planet.

Hers and Katsumi's meeting and romance is for a another day and time. However, the short of it is, is that Katsumi found her in an abandoned factory and took care of her as well as protected her. Kikko, slowly becoming the more sly, dominant one in the relationship, would eventually take Katsumi as her wife. And that's that, simple and sweet.

Anyway, a few days ago, I got a package in through the mail from Kat. It was a bundle of photos of her family, her friends, and selfies of her doing sailor senshi stuff.

She moved away as soon as she graduated and decided Tokyo was the best place. Said if she meets sailor V, she'd send me an autograph. I remained in the states, because I only had a year or so left and I even had a part time job at the gas station to keep me afloat financially. Nonetheless, she and mom would mail me checks to take care of me from afar.

Oh yeah, the sailor senshi. The most famous one is sailor V and Queen serenity, otherwise known as sailor moon. Have I met one in person? No, but I wouldn't mind it. People say that each one is drop dead gorgeous and can weild the powers of the elements or other magical abilities.

Packing my things and getting ready for the big move was.... Kinda depressing. Having to pack all your belongings and knowing you won't be returning was kinda hitting me hard. I love my home town in the good ole USA, as well as my family and friends, however I hold family above all, so thats one of the big reasons why I'm moving.

Around my room where family pictures, some video game posters, and a few figurines of dragons and knights, until I packed it all. The bed sheets and carpet were bland blues and the pillows ordinary white colored. I'm not much of a decor fanatic and more or less a plain, down to earth guy. Why am I looking at the details of my room? This isn't like me at all!..... Probably the move is getting to me already.

I don't have many friends and what little I did have are already moved off and never really call or text me. Me and my friends would laugh our asses off at the most stupidest of crap. However, things haven't been the same with all of em gone. Nothing seems funny anymore.

The final night came, to say my anxiety wasn't acting up would be a bold faced lie. I couldn't get comfortable at all. This was my last night in my home town. A home town with strangers to me however. Perhaps living with sis would be an ideal plan after all. However, getting on a plane and flying there all by myself is rather nerve racking.

As I laid in bed, thoughts went through my head on what's to be expected of Tokyo. I heard they had some sodas that had a carbonated marble you pop in it, as well as some kind of stick, cookie thing coated in chocolate. Are subways really cramped like sardines? Is the population really huge?.....Are there really panty vending machines and technology everyone in America wants, but won't have? I want a droid maid dammit! One that calls me master and gets me stuff so I can be lazy all day......and for it to be cute.... Definitely cute.... Nothing slutty or sleazy, just an adorable maid droid.

"Ugh, I can't sleep! Ugggh!" I said out loud. I was frustrated, but excited to see sis.

As I drift off to sleep, I recount the memories me and sis had together. The Inarian village, our mom, everything. I wonder what she looks like now? Probably still looks like a biker and wears goth make-up. I wonder who this wife of hers is. She seems nice.... Perhaps..... I'll..... Meet........ Her......... Zzzzzzzz
Dammit, can't sleep... Whelp, time to binge on creepy stuff on the web....

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