Chapter 41: the bath chapter

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Uranus was butt hurt over me, embarrassing her. So from here on, she'll give me the stink eye and me smirking in retaliation. I would say making enemies with a senshi is a bad thing, but i don't care with her. She can't do anything, but roll with the punches.

However, I would soon come across sailor neptune on the way to the bath, which the queen graciously gave us permission to use and even gave us clothes to change into. She would look at me and meet my gaze with a smile.

"Hey ah .....can i help you?" I said awkwardly.

"I don't appreciate you embarrassing my love." She said calmly.

"Well, i mean, she brought it on herself. She didn't own up to her being wrong and gave me a crappy apology for nearly killing me." I explained.

Her expression didn't change, but you could tell she was getting pissed with me.....but like i give a damn.

"We were only doing our duty and eliminating any threats to the kingdom in order to protect it. I'm sure you understand." She said coldly.

"Oh I understand how you outer senshi are psychos. I read that at one time y'all tried to kill each other, a child in particular." I said, meeting her coldness with a glare.

She curled her lip for a brief moment, before exhaling through her nostrils in anger.

"You wouldn't understand our reasonings. The media and documents only portray from the outside in and not on a personal level. So don't even go there sir...." she said with the same facial expression, but with a death glare.

I knew i hit a nerve there.

"Whatever, I'm gonna take a bath. It's been a rough and very tiring day...." i said as i resumed walking.

"Sure..." she said as she watched me walk away briefly before i hear her walk away.

The two are basically on my shit list already. Nearly killing me, my family, and my friends and giving me a shitty apology? People like that make it on my shit list quickly.

After a lengthy walk, I'd eventually find the door to the bath. It was a double door that had crystal door knobs. I could smell the humidity and water on the other side.

With very little effort, i twisted the knob and pushed it open, being greeted by a locker room. It was pretty standard looking aside the color pallete matching the castle, albiet being white and light blue, like the crystals decorating the place. On the benches were some of the belongings my friends had, which means they were already in.

I took off my clothes, grabbed a towel as well as soap and shampoo, then walked in.

As soon as i opened the door, i was greeted by sven, moro, xylu, and teguma. All wearing towels and chillin in the bath.

"Greetings San! Clean yourself and join us! The water is quite warm and soothing!" Teguma said excitedly.

"Y-yes...its v-very warm....I'm trying to not fall asleep........zzzzzzz." xylu said before moro smacked him awake.

"You'll drown if you sleep, ya dingus!" Moro scolded.

"Sorry morrroooo its just so comfyyy...." xylu whined.

They would banter back and forth as i washed and cleansed myself. I had a lot of dirt and sweat on me, i never took into account how sticky and gross i was until now. I scrubbed every inch thoroughly, getting dirt, dried blood, grime, etcetera off my skin and out of my hair. The soap and shampoo were no slouches, these felt and smelled amazing, and cut through all the battle hardened filth, like it was nothing!

I would look in the mirror after washing up and felt like a new man afterwards and even looked incredible to boot, with great smells too. It was a manly scent, as best as i can describe it, with a touch of a fruit scent.

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