chapter 37: candy time!

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Walking down the street was depressing.

Xylu was a nervous wreck, constantly jumpy at sudden sounds and being on edge. This caused Daisuke to be scared, hiding in Moro's hoodie hood, trembling and shaking. Then there's Moro, ready to strangle Xylu for being such a scaredy cat and making Dai scared.

This put some pressure on me in the process, somehow, someway. Like they expect me to be a fearless leader or something. I was in lead after all.

Then an idea dawned on me.

"Mkay, there's alot of tension here." I said, stopping and turning to the group, stopping them as well.

"W-what do you mean?" Xylu asked.

"You're scared shitless and you're making Dai spooked, so stop!" Moro shouted.

"You're tensed up too moro, we all are!" I said plainly.

"So what do you suppose we do? Hmm?" Moro said, crossing his arms and Dai peeking her head out of the hoodie hood.

"Well, electricity might be out, but how bout we chill for a moment and have some junk food! Candy, soda, chips.....comfort food to calm the nerves as we make a plan!" I suggested.

They mumbled to themselves, then nodded.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Moro said with a shrug.

"Candy?" Xylu asked.

"Sodaaaa?" Daisuke asked.

"Oh, you're not from earth! Candies are sweet treats with a variety of flavor, texture, and so on! Sodas are the same, but its a drink, and its super fizzy and super tasty! Drinking it makes you burp too! Though its not good for you by any means, it doesn't help emotionally!" I stated.

"And aids in some blood sugar small amounts." Moro chimed.

The two were hooked on the idea. The bigger issue though.....i can't read Japanese. I acted like i did though so we didn't lose spirit, looking at any building that had merchandise that looked like soda or candy as we walked further up the street. However, i wasn't fooling moronio, who had an annoyed look on his face and a raised brow.

"You have no idea how to read Japanese, do you?" Moro said flatly.

"Do you?!" I retorted.

"Yes, even though i originated from the states, I've lived here for a long time. Long enough to learn Japanese.....friggin dork."

"Ey! I've only been here for roughly a month and i haven't had time to learn!"

"You didn't think to learn Japanese before you came here??"


"Guess not." Moro said flatly.

"Just, help, okay??" I asked in annoyance.

"Fine...." he said with a sigh.

He and I looked around for a moment before he would nudge me a bit and point at a brightly colored store with cartoony animals on it.

"Candy Safari, its a lesser known candy emporium, but it'll do." He said plainly.

"What's the difference?" I asked with a shrug.

"It sells discounted candies and drinks."

"So, basically the dollar store variety."


"Ey, can't beat dollar candies and drinks!"

"In this day and age? Hell nah you can't beat that."

Xylu and Daisuke would exchange looks in confusion, before shrugging it off.

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