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I would wake up, not remembering much about the battle that happened or why i fell unconscious. Everyone around me would groan and awaken as well. I felt a heaviness on me and lightheadedness too, which i assume everyone else felt as well.

"It's daylight! My idiot brother did it! He defeated pandora finally!" My daughter exclaimed.

"Woohoo!" Sven cheered.

"Yay big brother!" Hikaru exclaimed.

"He must have finished the job after that attack knocked us out...." mars said.

"It would seem so. Young San is a very capable warrior." Teguma commended.

"Speaking of which, where is he?" Moro asked.

"Daisuke was curious about that too." Daisuke said, tilting her head.

We all looked around, but an odor filled my nostrils immediately.

San's blood specifically....

I immediately went into protective canine mode and started to track the blood trail.

"Mom?" My daughter asked.

I didn't respond, i was too focused on the trail, slowly picking up speed.

Everyone would clamber behind me to follow, but its not like i would slow down, i would leave them behind in a heartbeat to save my son or daughter.

The blood splatters slowly would get bigger and bigger, before leading me to a building.

Using my inarian agility, i would hop onto various objects and rubble to get to the top and to my horror.........

San was laying in a pool of blood.....

Queen serenity was coughing and looked very sick. I heard a glass cracking and seen the queen wince in pain. The jewel she had was broken. It wasn't on the brink of shattering, but it was getting closer.

"Your.....majesty...." i uttered.

"I know you're in shock and have to witness a painful sight...haaa...haaa....but we can bring him back...." The queen said.

Is this some sort of sick joke?? The dead can't be brought back! It's impossible!

My sorrow slowly turned to rage....
I was tempted to grab my katana....

"Tamono.....i don't know if i have the adequate strength left in me to both revive him and heal him to a stable condition....but you must act fast to save him! There's only one shot at th-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" I shouted.

She looked at me.

"My son is dead and is in his own pool of blood with several stab wounds in his chest and you say he can be revived?! What cruel joke is this?!" I shouted.

"It's possible...." said a voice behind me.

I turned to see sailor venus before me, along with everyone else.

"I've died numerous times in my life, but was eventually brought back to life through her majesty. That jewel right there, houses limitless power of healing." She explained.

"Wait, why is she sick though?!" Uranus exclaimed.

"......the veil....it had some sort of hex or something that caused damage to the crystal and henceforth me.....i have enough strength to revive him, but his condition thought post revival....he'll probably be in critical condition." The queen said.

"The hospital is miles away though!" Kastumi exclaimed.

Teguma stepped forward.

"I shall carry young san there....i can fly and it makes the most sense." He said.

The queen would nod in agreement.

The crystal in her hand would shine brilliantly with energy, then cracked even worse, causing the queen to faint on the spot.

"Your majesty!!" The senshi cried.

San started to cough up blood and groaned in pain. Teguma immediately scooped him up and flew in the direction of the hospital, with mercury on his back to monitor him.

Don't take my baby boy.....

Solar Knight: Dark Veil -book 1-Where stories live. Discover now