chapter 65: Aka Aoi Manto

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Before he could try and skewer me with his weapons, i would utilize the last bit of the duration of the feather feet elixir to dash back away at a great distance, before it abruptly expired.

The sword was a third of the ways through the floor, below the wood was nothing but stone, just goes to show how sharp the weapon is. I summoned the kuchisake-onna and the kaimaitachi trio in front of me.

"You work for her now??'re under a sort of put such demons under a mind controlling spell is simply absurd, but the facts are staring me in the face! What a cruel woman you are...." he said as he pulled his sword from the ground.

I would command the kuchisake-onna to attack, focusing on cutting the legs off of the giant before me. I'd then command the kaimaitachi to attack, aiming for the arms and face to blind him.

The kuchisake-onna would zoom at the giant, opening her shears and clamping them around the leg. There was a problem however, though the wires are thin on their own, they were woven tightly and were like free moving sections of steel, something mere garden shears couldn't hope to cut.

The kaimaitachi trio was doing an excellent job however, keeping the demon's eyes occupied. They would zip around and strike various parts of its face, despite not having the capability of cutting the wires.

I looked at my phone and seen that i have two of four bars used up. I can summon one more demon without shutdown, or summon two more with a time limit.

During my time of thought, one of the swords came at me. Had i not have jumped to the side, it would have been the end of me, seeing that it was aiming for my heart, but ended up plunging itself into the ground.

"Don't think you're so safe!!" The demon bellowed. He started to attack the demons under my command, if they ever killed one, thats one battery block i couldn't get back until i get home.

The kuchisake-onna still had her shears stuck in the demons leg. It just needs more strength to cut off the leg.

I then remembered that i had the Katakirauwa in my phone still.

I summoned the boar and commanded him to ram into the shears and wire demon, since he is a huge boar.

"Him too?? You really are a witch aren't you??" The Aka Aoi Manto exclaimed.

The boar would scuff its hooves against the ground before charging and tackling the demon full force. In the process, one of his hooves slammed down on the shear's handle and clamped them shut, slicing off the wire demon's leg.

The Aka Aoi Manto howled in pain as inky, black blood sprayed everywhere from its stump.

I would then command the kaimaitachi to fly me through the hole created in the ceiling to the attic. I passed a few floors however, when i felt incredible pain and found myself pinned to a wall by one of the demon's swords through my left side.

"It....seems...i jumped the gun....a bit." I said, gritting my teeth.

'Seems?? You did! You're so wreckless, if you die, i have no body!' Onyx screeched in my ear.

I growled in pain as i tried to dislodge the sword, but i would suddenly feel immense pain as i felt wires start to slither throughout my body and piercing my muscles and the like. I screamed in agony as i desperately tried to dislodge the sword, but i felt every movement the sword did, making the pain even worse. Panic would set in even more when i seen that my demons were killed and the aka aoi manto was slowly climbing his way to me.

Onyx would sigh deeply in my mind.

'Kyubi the magnificent, about to die in an agonizing way. She fell for the simplest trick in the book and now her mind is all awry from the pain. Useless witch....let me show you how a REAL witch battles.' She said.

I would suddenly black out then wake up to onyx doing her thing.

It was like i was bound to a chair and was watching a screen of what's going on and feeling nothing.

She used her powers to summon an onyx blade out of my arm and sliced the blade that was in my chest, clean off. Once this was done, she imbedded our claws in the wall and ripped out the wires and chunk of metal left over from the wound after dispelling the blade she had on her hand. Once she tossed it aside, she chanted a healing spell to heal the wounds created.

She would do another chant to summon onyx colored shapes and rained them down on the demon below, sending him plummeting to the ground below with a crash. Once the dust was clear, he was pinned by the onyx shapes imbedded in his body.

"And that, is how you really suppress the enemy's movement, child." Onyx said smugly.

I huffed and pouted as we ascended to the core.

Once we made it there, we both casted a spell on the core that would supress and hypnotize the aki aoi manto, so that we can put him in the phone, as we've done several times before.

With a very strong demon in our grasp, we felt ready for the remainder of Pandora's forces.....

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