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I, Queen Serenity, have lived a long life with my fair share of craziness. During my years as a teen, before I even became Queen and married with a daughter, all I wanted was a normal life as most girls had, but unfortunately, I was dragged kicking and screaming into a world of the supernatural as Sailor Moon.

I was a cry baby Sailor guardian, otherwise known as senshi, but I did my best and would always find a way to save the day. I've fought terrifying and seemingly impossible foes, seen heartbreaking sights, and even experienced several moments of trauma, but I always persevered with the aid of my friends and family.

It's been twenty years since i fought as sailor moon, and i am now an adult and am a Queen over the moon and earth with my husband, King Endymion, and my daughter, Princess Usagi, formally known as Chibiusa. We three try to maintain peace between the nations and planets. My personal guardians and friends are Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, Setsuna, Michiru, Haruka, and Hotaru. They are also planetary guardians and we all fought the forces of evil together in the past. Now they serve as family bodyguards and have their own lives outside of these positions. Sadly, we don't hang out as much as we did back then, however we do get to see each other nonetheless!

Speaking of which, there's a new guardian that came into our fold not too long ago, Katsumi Mikasa, aka, Sailor Inari of the planet Inari. Past data files shown her history of her past incarnation, however, this carnation of her is very sweet, cool, and level headed when her temper and rashness doesn't get the better of her. She's half human, half artic fox it seems with the artic variation of Inarians being that of a noble type. Her mother, Tamono Mikasa, is a high ranked priestess and leader of the Inarians, with their elders backing her.

The Inarians are under our protection, because of a terrible plague that turned them on each other and nearly drove them to extinction. We assigned them a seculded refuge to both protect them and monitor them if things ever were to go awry. They are a kind, gentle folk that are very smart and resourceful to boot, they already have built a small village in a small time.

Katsumi would tell us of her brother, who was raised by Tamono and the village. His name is San Manfred. A peculiar name of mystery to say the least. Her late father, Akira Mikasa a Japanese human stunt biker, found him as a baby in a wrapping made of fur with his name on a tag inside of it. He was located in a forest clearing near one of his stunt show plazas, and Akira heard his cries and thusly adopted him into the family. Akira would only be in his life for a short while, for he vanished without a trance years later.

Needless to say, San was a very special young man to the tribe and was raised in the United States, before the tribe had to migrate here due to local gangs causing trouble. San stayed behind to finish school, for he wasn't living with the tribe, but with his sister in a small house in the city of California.

So much has changed indeed..... As I look around my throne room in my throne to myself, I just can't help, but wonder if I'm dreaming or not....

A great and supportive husband who i fell in love with years ago and fought side by side.....

A darling teenage girl, who is almost twenty, that has also taken up the role of Sailor Moon and is so close to taking up the throne with whoever she falls in love with....

It feels like a fairy tale at a close....

A happily ever after ending....

However, the moment was shattered when Rei burst through the doors in slight panic. She hasn't aged a bit since graduation, partially due to the magic over each of us preventing.... Well... Aging. She was in her shrine attire and looked as if she ran a marathon to get here. See, I don't confine the senshi to the castle, I treat it as a job with shifts so they can fulfill their dreams and live their lives, she's one of the night shifts, so its a bit out of the blue for her to be doing this.

"Rei! What on earth is the matter??" I asked in shock.

She rose her finger to signify she was catching her breath, poor thing was sweating and panting after all.

"Your majesty.... Haaa.... Haaa... I seen something in the flames of utmost concern!" She said with seriousness.

"What is it?" I asked.

"All of Tokyo was under a purple fog... Beneath it, it was on fire and being attacked by demons... "

I covered my mouth in fear.

"Among the carnage, stood a man with spikey hair in a waist-long coat, shrouded in darkness staring at it all. The fog began to spread to other countries, and the demon army growing denser! No doubt this same man is the culprit! " she said with conviction.

I sat there, looking out the window across from me in thought, letting all the information soak in. This is a frightening vision, and most, if not all the time, Rei is never wrong. If she seen this, it must come to pass.... And with it having so much detail, it'll be soon.

"Alright, round up your fellow senshi, my daughter, and Artemis's family.... We're having an immediate, emergency meeting! " I said, rising from my throne.

"Yes, your majesty!" Rei said, running out.

Looks like the days of peace and normal living, is going to have to be put on hold.... Because greater evil is still afoot!

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