chapter 67: princess?

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After the meeting was dismissed, it was determined that pandora isn't making any moves, so we were all ordered to spend the rest of the night healing, resting, and so on.

I was aiming to go use the restroom, followed by getting a snack in the lounge, and then catching some early Zs for tomorrow.

Their restrooms are all luxurious and extra clean. Like, even if you did a number in there, it would still smell nice. I heard from some of my friends that there are odor defusing crystals that pose as wall sconces and that it draws the odors away from the stall and convert it to magical energies.

True enough to speculation, during and after doing my business, there was no odor. The sink's water felt....i dunno how to explain it other than cleaner than normal restroom sinks. The water smelled like it was from a fresh water river, absolutely clean and water....smelling.....damn i need to crack open a thesaurus one day and expand my vocabulary.

Once i dried off my hands and left, i made my way to the staff lounge for said snack. I can't read Japanese, but i know what a potato chip is!

I entered and walked over to the machine, inserting my money as one does. I looked at the list....and was immediately lost.

I never felt anxiety like this before! Panic was setting in! The hell do i push?! I don't wanna waste money on something gross! But holy shit, i can't tell what is what! Where is my potato chips!?

I would suddenly smell a sweet scent in the air that i couldn't describe. It was a mix of flowers and spice. I'd then hear the clacking of heels approach me. Turning to the sound, it was the princess walking towards me.

"Oh, out for a snack too i see...." she said calmly.


She pointed at a little potato character one of the selections. It was a potato, dressed up like a kid with propeller hat and suspenders.

"Tato boy." She said.


"Tato boy is what you're looking for, if you're wanting chips you're used to."

That I'm used to? Oh yeah, I'm used to American foods.

I selected one that looked plain and it dispensed it.

"That...was seasalt and vinegar, very bitter." She said.

"Meh, i can take it." I said, opening it and taking a bite.

Vinegar and seasalt chips aren't my top favs, but it works in this situation. Plus i didn't want to go through thr struggle of playing gacha chips.

She made a selection and opened her bag of chips.

Something I've noticed, is that, when she's talking to me, she never made eye contact. Like, at all.

She would munch on a few chips, before letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry." She said.


"I'm sorry i have been so harsh and mean towards you."

"Heh, water under the bridge!"

"Its unexceptable and unbecoming of a person such as i. You didn't do anything wrong to warrant it, and i took something personal out on you. That is not okay or to be taken lightly." She said as she finally looked at me.

Her eyes were a sparkling ruby red and were absolutely captivating. Not trying to sound like a simp or anything, but damn, I'd accept ANY sort of apology if she gave me a gaze like that.

"It's fine! Really!"

"See.....i was in love with a man that looks similar to you. His name was Helios. You both share white, fluffy hair, however he was a bit shorter than you. He promised something to me a long time ago, that he would come to me when i come of age and whisk me away in a flourish of romance."

"Basically sweep you off your feet and marry you?"

She scoffed.

"When you say it like that, it takes all of the magic out of it!"

"Wait, come of age? Just how old is this guy?? Cuz i see some red flags."

"Its not what you think....there was alot of time traveling I've done in another timeline-"

I was about to say something.

"Don't ask, its complicated and will give you a migraine."

I pouted a bit, i like that scifi shenanigans.

"Anyways, he promised to come to me when i came of age, but....i became twenty in june.....and its nearing november." She said, looking out the window.

"Maybe he's delayed! Ya know, the veil and all!" I said, trying to cheer her up.

She looked at me with a smile.

"Perhaps I'm being too rash as you said." she said.

Some time went by as we talked up a storm about our interests, ways of looking at things, stresses of life, and so on. We shared a few things in common, but the main thing she was very interested in was my taste in American rock music. She loved the quirky names of the bands i named off and some of the funnier ones too.

Her personality went from being salty, to being depressed, and to a now more bubbly personality. I like this side of her, it feels natural, like this is the true her.

"Thank you San, i really needed that." She said as she stood up from her chair.

"No problem, your majesty." I said with a  bow.

"Call me Usagi." She said.


"Technically i am Usagi II (The second), but my friends call me Usagi." She said with a giggle.

"Ahhhhh so I'm your friend now eh?" I said with a smirk and reclined in my chair a bit all cocky-like.

"Don't push it, buster!" She said teasingly as she left the room.

I felt a tingle crawl all over me, like an electrical shock, followed by a warming sensation.  This was a new feeling that I've never felt before......

Do i....
Have a crush on the princess?!

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