chapter 68: Pandora's Truth - Part 1

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Me and my husband, Epimetheus, lived in a poor village, ridden with famine, drought, disease.

Our village hasn't seen rain in seemingly ages. No trade has come through, because of word about our village lacking prosperity of any kind.

Things have always looked glum for us.

One day, however, that had all changed when i went into the thorny woods, hoping to find berries or some sort of herbs to cook with. Then suddenly, i came to a clearing, bearing a jar of sorts.

I approached it, hoping i could sell if for a pinch of coin to at least get us some good food.

I suddenly heard a mysterious voice about me.

"Hope is within the jar, as well as an abundance of misery and sorrow. Your village will prosper and grow. Choose wisely....." the voice said.

Hope, but also at the cost of releasing those terrible things it mentioned......

To live as we are, struggling....
Or to take a chance and gain hope.....

Thinking of a better life for me and my husband.....I took the chance and opened the jar.

There was a strong gust of winds and the sky turned dark.

I was flung away from the jar as monsters and demons spurt forth from the jar and into the skies.

They are going to destroy the village and devour my people!

I scrambled too my feet and made my way to the jar, stumbling a few times, but managing to get my hands on the lid. I'd then try to press the lid back in place, fighting against the pressures of the forces coming out of it, but eventually, i was able to close the accursed jar for good.....

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