Chapter 3: My Sister Katsumi R

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This morning was a rather rough one.

So, someones dog was barking nonstop next door. I somehow lost my toothbrush in between home, the airport, and here, so i had to scrub my teeth with a cloth rag. Then, i nearly fell down the stairs, because i missed a step in my groggy, cranky state.

The highlight of the morning though, was that sis prepared breakfast and left it in the microwave for me. She works during the day, so she made me a classic breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, and waffles. Needless to say, it was a very delicious breakfast...... Once i found the syrup.... Dry waffles are gross.

Her house was gorgeous from my standpoint. It was a two story home with a front lawn and a back yard that was well kept. The interior was painted white with dark wood borders lining the top and bottom of the walls. The floors was hard wood floors that matched the borders and had a polished, glossy finish on them. The ceilings were white with that bumpy stuff all over em, like you see with most houses. Finally, the decor.... Needless to say, there wasn't much in line with decorations, other than photos hung on the walls and the occasional painting. I mean, she had furniture and technology, such as your typical up-to-date TVs, and such, but she did have some rather cute fox sculptures that was clearly from the village, dotted all over the house.

Once i finished my breakfast and drank the rest of the orange juice in my glass, i put my stuff in the sink and rinsed them off, before placing them in the dishwasher. Today, she wanted to meet me at a particular cafe place called "Fox Den Cafe' " which was apparently in the city. I quickly looked it up online and GPS'd it on my phone, before heading out. She told me, via a note she stuck on the fridge, to be sure to lock up before i left, which i did.

The Japanese people, judging from the ones i came across, are pretty conservative and not very social with strangers such as me, which is very understandable. I mean, i am a foreigner and was raised in the USA, which have had a rather dicey history with Japan, so i don't blame them. The two countries have seemed to get alomg for years though, aside from the joking remarks the Japanese probably have towards us, such as how we have the most unhealthy foods, how obesity is spreading like wildfire, and so forth. Again, i don't blame them, cuz most of the stereotypes the states are labeled with are roughly ninety percent true and that's not bashing my own country, its facts at this point.

I would eventually make it to the quaint little cafe with the adorable kitsune statue, sitting in front of it with, what i assumed to be a greeting smile. I smiled and took a selfie with the statue, giving a peace sign and tried to mimick its expression.

I then went inside to see sis sitting at a table across from the door, sipping some coffee. She wore a uniform of sorts under her leather jacket and had some rather "stand outish" long boots. She had some sort of visor sunglasses on the table that were tinted a caramel-like yellow. I was about to point out that her ears and tails were out, but the patrons probably thought she was a cosplayer or something at this point, so i kept my mouth shut.

"Sup lil bro!" she said with a smirk.

"Cut the big sister act, were physically the same age! " i said with a laugh as i gave her a side hug.

"Physically.... Time wise, I'm leaps and years ahead of you." she said ruffling my hair a bit.

"Still, don't think of me as a kid" I said as I playfully thumped her fox ear.

"Sleep well? "

"Would have, had your neighbors dog hadn't have woke me up with its frickin barking.... "

"Yeaaaah cha-chi barks all the time.... "

"Also, I already got hooked up to the wifi...

".......I never gave you the password."

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