chapter 15: day 4

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After we got done with training for the day, me and the others would sit outside, away from grimmer to eat our lunch.

The medical team was astounded that my shoulder injury, turned out to just be dislocated. However, i knew it was shattered, i felt it break on impact, i fell just high enough and at the right angle to do that much damage.

Some of the boys would look at me and huddle closer to me.

"He's abusing you!" One of them whispered.

"Yeah, if not trying to kill you!" Said another.

"Its just three more days, hes starting to run outta steam, i feel it." I said, eating my meal.

"Dude that's not the poi- is your shoulder better so quick??" Asked one.

"Yeah, i heard that crack from where we were standing, and you were in agonizing pain, what gives?" Said another.

"I dunno....when he hit me the other night, my face was all kinds of messed up, but over night it slowly got better." I said.

"He hit you??" Exclaimed one.

One of the guys covered his mouth quickly. Grimmer would look up from his wood carving thing and stare at us, then went back to carving.

"You idiot!"

"Sorry! I just never would think he'd lay hands on the guy!"

"Relaaax, it's all a game." I said.

"A game?" Said one with a raised brow.

"Yeah, he's trying to break me so that i won't complete the training, if i concede, he'll make me the joke of the village. If i keep going and complete it, he'll have no choice but to recognize me as a soldier and fit enough to fight back against the demons!" I said, confidently.

The guys would murmur amongst themselves.

"Speaking of which, the daily paper came in. World's getting more on edge and fewer are escaping the fog...." said one of the trainees.

"I can't sleep at night, knowing the fog is getting closer." Said another.

They'd nod and agree with each other.

"Look, the fog is gonna be taken care of soon, by your's truly!" I said, with a slight cocky attitude.

"And how will you manage to do that?" One of the guys snarked and crossed his arms.

"I know the source is Pandora, so all i gotta do is beat her up!" I said in a matter of fact way.

"Tch, like it's gonna be easy with all those demons and monsters crawling around, dumbass." He chuckled.

"I'll figure out a way!" I exclaimed.

"Look, they're not gonna send ya in alone, mkay? So don't think its all down to you." He said, tossing his trash in a trashcan.

That's not the problem, however. The problem is that, i don't want to drag any more people into the apocalyptic mistake i made and cost more lives, especially from my home village, my friends and family, and more innocents.

Grimmer would blow his whistle, signifying that lunch was over and that we had to throw the rest of our stuff away or cram it in our mouths. Once we did away with our lunch, it was back to the grind, with more extenuating exercises and regimens.

He didn't try anything today to cause injury, harm, or near death. However, this did the opposite of putting my mind at ease and made me even more wary of what he might try next. I could feel the tension of my mother, even from here, and the bloodlust that is coming from her.

If given the chance and if she had nothing to lose, she probably would have grimmer's head on a pike. Because every man and child knows that you don't mess with or hurt an Inarian mom's pups, because if you do, she might go into a frenzy and tear you asunder.

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