chapter 59: rematch with the kuchisake-onna

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One would think that with more people, fighting one demon would be as easy as pie! However, something was different this go round....

Her eyes were usually brown, yellow when she would drop the facade and attack. This time however, they were blacked out, with neon yellow eyes, as well as purple veins throughout her body, not extremely thick and dramatic looking, but just barely noticeably visible. No longer was she wearing a face mask like before, but its as if she was owning up to her demonic side, slit mouth and sharp teeth visible as can be.

"Fire soul snake!!" Mars cried, as she unleashed a snake-like projectile at the demon.

Moro would twist his spear, charge up an electrical ball, and fired it at the demon as well.

Xylu would merge into the shadows, awaiting a good opportunity to strike from them.

Daisuke remained in moro's hood on standby.

The slit mouthed woman would jump into the air, evading the attacks, and swung her sheers. This created a semi transparent wave that came right at us. We would all dive out of the way from the attack and would see that the wave had cut deep into the wall behind us. Clearly, she was much stronger than before, and just brute forcing our way into beating her is not an option.

I looked down at the beads, and noticed how they resonated with my aura well. I was given this necklace, because the old man said it was tied to my destiny or something along those lines, but never used them on any of the demons I've faced so far.

"Crap, that was almost our necks!" Moro stated, getting up.

"I know! What kind of raw power does she have??" Mars said as she stood up.

During the short conversation, i was thinking of how i was supposed to use this stupid necklace. The beads were magnetic it seemed, every time i took one off, i could easily pop it back into place by merely bringing it together with another bead....but i wonder what i can do with these.

I decided to use it as a whip and charged at the slit mouthed woman with energy channeled into the necklace.

"What are you doing?!" Shouted Moro.

I would separate the necklace into a string and swung at her.....only for it to break apart and the beads to go everywhere.

The slit mouthed woman wasn't impressed.

"Was that supposed to hit...." she said flatly.

"Y....yes...." i said, looking down.

"You know what will hit?"


"This!" She said, as she front kicked me across the room and hitting a wall.

The wind was knocked out of me from both sides, and my gut was sore as hell from the kick. I could only manage to cough and wheeze, trying to regain my breath.

Mars ran over to me and knelt down to my level.

"Are you oka- well i definitely know you're not okay, but is anything, ya know....damaged?" She said with concern.

"My ego....and my gut....might need to use the restroom soon....uggggh....." i said, standing up slowly.

"Yeesh..." xylu commented.

"Why not use your talismans??" She asked.

"I...kinda used them all on the first floor...." i said, nervously.

"Are you kidding me?!" Mars shouted.

"We're gonna have to come up with a pla-" moro said, before.....

"I'VE HAD IT WITH ALL THESE DEMONS!!! AAAAHHH!!" I screamed in fury, before charging at the slit mouthed woman.

Everyone was taken aback, including her.

She was about to raise her sheers at me, but i already zoomed across the room and had decked her with an aura coated fist, then grabbed her by the coat and slung her to the floor, to which i would just get on top of her and start throwing punches left and right as she tried to block them.

"How did he manage to get so far by just going berserk??" Mars said.

"Let's not stand here and try to figure that out! She's pinned!" Moro shouted as he jumped up and plunged his spear into the demon.

Mars whipped up a sutra on the spot and was about to plant it on the demons forehead, but as soon as she even came close to her, the slit mouthed woman shrieked, sending a shockwave that pushed us all away from her.

Mars would collide with a desk, while everyone else hit walls and debris.

"Sss...owwww....yeah, now what...." moro sarcastically said, picking himself up off the floor.

"It worked for a moment at least!" I said, doing the same.

"Daisuke hurts...." daisuke whined, rubbing her head.

"She's just not staying down!" Xylu said, emerging from the shadows.

"What a pain...." mars said, standing up.

She would ominously float in the air and growl.

"How dare you humiliate me...." she said with a snarl.

"She's definitely injured.... that assault did a number on her...." moro said to me in a low voice.

I nodded in response.

As i started to channel my aura, it connected to the necklace and all the beads, regardless of distance. They would suddenly zip back into place. A few would suddenly zip straight through the slit mouthed woman, leaving behind oozing, bleeding holes where they hit.

She screeched in main as she bled from the wounds, which was one in her left thigh, one in her right hip, and one in her left calf. The injuries clearly impaired her movement as she hobbled around. She wasn't floating either, I'd assume that the sudden leg injury caused her to lose focus or something.

That's it! I had an idea on how i could use these.

I made a finger pistol with my hand, channeled one of the beads to float in front of the tip of my finger. I'd remember the talismans i placed on the first floor, then charged up the bead, then fired it at the demon's feet, busting a sizable hole underneath her and sending her plummeting to the first floor.

"Hey mars...." moro said plainly.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"We're gonna friggin die...." he said with a nervous chuckle.

We all looked at each other in shock and then looked down below....

I forgot.....
The talismans....
Were high powered fire talismans.....

As soon as there was a thud at the bottom, there was a series of explosions that followed afterward on the first floor.

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