Chapter 52: rune activates!

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I, hikaru, am an orphaned girl with the powers of a yuuki onna, because i am a born yuuki onna.

I've heard that most are evil and have ice cold hearts, using their beauty to lure people out into blizzards just to freeze them to death and eat them. However, i do not wish to do that....ever....that's like, way off from who i am.

On the way back to this, crystal castle thats home to the royal family, i recall tamono whispering something to me about bringing her to live with me. Does she intend on adopting me?

As we left the forest, the temperature began to rise and i would suddenly begin to sweat. I have never left the forest before, so I'm not used to these temperatures. However, when i looked at the other girls, i would notice signs of relief. If this is what i think it is, it means that, since I'm a yuuki onna, I'm vastly more sensitive to temperatures that's slightly warm even.

So, to compensate for this newfound weakness, i constantly channeled my powers around my body like an aura, to keep me nice and cold. It works, but i feel like if i use it for too long, i might become too weak.

During the trip there, this Katsumi girl, kept giving me a nasty look. Like she outright despised me. She reminds me of the villagers in my timeline.....

I would suddenly feel hollow on the inside. I will forever be condemned and judged by what i am, not for who i am. After all, it was my fault miss Tamono is on the brink of death and my fault that i killed my entire village and family....

When we got to the castle, i didn't have time to soak in the scenery, as a blue haired lady came up to us in strange, white attire. With her, was men and women in strange white attire as well. They would immediately lift tamono onto a bed of sorts with wheels and take her away to a building.

I rushed after them, but the blue haired lady and Katsumi would stop me. With katsumi grabbing me from the back collar of my kimono.

"I'm sorry, but we need you to wait! She needs time to be prepped and given treatment before you can see her!" The blue haired lady said.

"It's my fault! I did it! I'm the one that hurt her!! AGGGGGH!!" i cried as i squirmed in katsumis grip.

"You did? But...but why?" She asked.

"Because she's a dangerous little twerp with ice powers!" Katsumi barked.

"Knock it off kat!" Exclaimed the tall, brunette girl.

"She's dangerous!.....FUCK SHE'S FREEZING!!" Katsumi exclaimed, finally letting go and trying to warm her hand.

"Listen, your mother trusts her. She's just a kid. Doesn't mothers know best?" The blonde spoke up.

Katsumi would growl.

"No....i dare not question her judgement, I'm just....." she said with a pause.

"Afraid something will happen to her?" Said the brunette.

Her ears went down.

"I lost my dad......i don't want to lose my mom or brother too...." she said with a solemn tone.

She lost a parent too? And here i thought she was just a mean lady....kitsune? No, she has only two tails....

"I'm....I'm sorry, kiddo.....i shouldn't have acted out like i've been put through a lot in just a few hours. I hope ya find it in your heart to forgive me." She said with a small smile.

I nodded and smiled in return.

"I guess...since mom is adopting you, I'll be your big sister, huh?" She said, with a chuckle.

"I never had a big sister before!" I said happily.

"Well, you have a big brother too! He's out fighting nasty monsters right now though, so you're gonna have to wait a bit for him!" She said, smiling.

"Awwwwww, okaaaay. What's he like?" I asked.

"Oh, he's the coolest brother i know!"

We would spend hours talking to each other. I learned the names of the girls I've encountered so far and we talked, until the moment arrived where Tamono was brought to a room and told us she was awake.

We would enter her room and she weakly waved to us. We would then enter the room. The room was fairly big with the bed thing in the center, a few chairs, and a few other pieces of furniture. It smelled clean and everything was neat and tidy.

I would walk up to tamono with a smile on my face and she gave me one in return.

"Hey there sweet pea....are you doing okay?" She said weakly as she brushed her hand across my face gently.

"Yes, miss Tamono." I replied.

"Call me mother or mom, dear." She said with a chuckle.

"Very well, momma." I said with a smile. A tear would soon follow afterwards. I have never felt so happy in my life. Like my life has just gotten reset for the better.

"Are you and your new sister getting along?" She asked.

"Yes, momma."

"I would ask about how you and your brother are getting along, but he's out there fighting kuchisake-onna."

Kuchisake-onna....I've never heard of this demon before. It must be a modern demon of sorts.

I would suddenly feel a slight burning sensation in my chest. My heart started to race and my temperature started to rise.

"what's that on her back??" shouted makoto.

"it's a mark of some sort!" said Ami.

"I'" i whimpered, falling to my knee.

"Nurse!! Nurse!! Come quickly!!" Said mom, as she frantically pressed a button of sorts and talked into a device.

"RAPID RESPONSE, 2587. RAPID RESPONSE 2587." I heard all over the building it seemed.

Some men and women came in and checked on me, only to back away when Ami stepped forward.

"This isn't a normal situation! Someone get the royal advisors! Surely they can dispel this-" Shouted ami, before she was cut off by a new presence.

Before me, was the most prettiest lady in the world. She had gorgeous bleach blonde hair that flowed with the wind, adorned in a long, white dress. I have never seen her before, but judging by the way everyone suddenly knelt before her, told me that she was very important.

"Your majesty! When did you..." uttered big sister.

"I felt the cursed rune on her. You poor poor be afflicted with such a terrible thing. It's reacting to the magic that flows here." The, what i assumed to be queen, spoke.

I couldn't utter a single word, for the pain was growing more immense.

" her...she is an innocent, sweet yokai that doesn't know her strength! She hasn't harmed a soul!" Momma protested.

The queen smiled at me and knelt to my level. She would take her scepter and would merely tap the burning spot on my back. I would suddenly feel a rush of....something.....something good and warm. Like the tender sun touched my backside that didn't make me feel like i were melting. It was a soothing sort of warmth that felt, relaxing.

"Its vanishing!" Cried a man in white uniform.

"It is're no longer cursed, child." Said the queen.

"Who....who are you?" I asked.

"Please, call me Serenity." She said with a smile.

I couldn't help, but give her a hug. However....i forgot i was cold as ice.

"OOSH!! You're cold!" She said with a chuckle.

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