Chapter 33: natural fear

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The slit mouthed woman- i hate calling her that, but i can't pronounce her japanese name without getting tongue tied.

She is a fearsome foe indeed. Much like the legend states, she's fast and brutal, being moreso brutal to the others than me. She would go for kill shots on them, but would do nonlethal attacks on me, in an attempt to knock me unconscious. Eventually after catching onto this pattern, i got an idea.

"Everyone, stick close to me! She can't risk killing me or she'll be punished severely!" I shouted.

"Ay that's right! No way will she cut loose with you in the way!" Moro stated as he and dai huddled to my position.

Xylu would nod and do the same.

"Don't get cocky! I WILL force my hand if i have to! She didn't say you couldn't lose any limbs!" She hissed.

"Uhhh if i lose a limb, I'll bleed out dumbass....." i said plainly.

"Not quite, i can channel my energy into my shears to lop off limbs without pain or bleeding. You could be walking one moment and not realize you're missing your arm or fingers!" She boasted.

"S-she's right, that's how i lost my e-eye. I-It just suddenly turned black on one side of my sight. I-I assumed it was the lighting, but moro pointed out the nasty gash she l-left!" Xylu said, shaking.

That ability sounds mundane, however its terrifying because of how mundane it is! If she ever blind sided us, she could chop off our limbs and be killed off quickly!

She would screech before barreling towards us with open shears.

Xylu didn't keep with the plan and freaked out. He screamed and ran for some place to hide.

This in turn would cause daisuke to freak out as well, her fleeing out of moro's hood and flying away.

Her flying out of moro's hood, caused moronio to be thrown off balance, due to the sudden jerk of her snagging the hood while she fled. This left moro at a severe disadvantage.

Right when the shears were about to clamp down on moro's neck, i used my left arm to shove him to the ground.


I knew she didn't use her ability, because i seen the blood go blood.

Both moro and the monster woman was shocked at the revelation at hand. She meant to kill him, not harm me.

Due to the adrenaline, i didn't feel anything.....that is, until i seen my left arm on the ground. It felt like the remainder of my arm was on fire as i cried out in pain, grasping the nub, trying to get it to stop bleeding.

During the commotion i was causing, moronio would charge up the spear and hit her point blank with an electrical shot. She would be immediately lit up with electricity and would stiffen up along with the convulsions.

Even though i was injured badly, i put aside my pain and grabbed the keys on her hip. I would get shocked for a moment, but that pain was no where nearly as bad as my arm, so i clenched my teeth and snatched them.

Moro would grab my arm off the ground and helped me down the hall, all the while the slit mouthed woman groaned and convulsed helplessly.

Once we got a good ways down and made several turns, we would hide in another classroom and barricaded the door. Well, moro did, i was busy with my nub. After he did so, he walked up to me and sat in a chair, cupping his face in despair.

"That....that was horrible.....I CAN'T BELIEVE HE RAN LIKE A BITCH!" he growled as he punched the head of the chair.

Xylu would emerge from the shadows, holding daisuke in his his arms, looking down in shame.

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