Chapter 61: The long walk back

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Moro was the first to wake up and look around almost as soon as the man in the coat left.

" shoulder....awwww my spear is snapped to pieces...." moro said, holding up the handle to his spear. His face was bruised as well as his hands and arms. He must've hit the ground hard.

Xylu and Daisuke would groan as they sat up.

"Ow....why do i hurt all over...." Xylu said. I could see bits of glass sticking out of him here and there, now that i got a better look at him. They weren't in life-threatening locations or anything, but they looked painful.

"Daisuke's head hurts...." she whined. Blood streamed from her scalp. She probably bumped her head on the way down or was hit by something.

A woman with long black hair limped over to us. She had a rod of rebarb in her left leg and left shoulder. She was, what i could describe, casual, civilian attire.

"Looks like we've all had it rough huh..." she said.

"Who are you miss?? And you're injured!!" Xylu explained as he winced as soon as he moved.

"So are're covered in big chunks of glass. Its me, Sailor Mars. The fall made me revert to my civilian form.....this is the real me, Rei Hino.....i can't transform, due to my injuries..." she said weakly.

"Don't try to move too much Rei! You're bleeding pretty bad!" Moro said, we then heard a pop and his right arm go limp.

"Jesus christ dude!" I exclaimed.

"Sssssss.....yup....I felt it going out of joint as soon as i started getting up.....aaaaahhhh.....that sucks..." he said, looking at his limp arm.

"And how are you.....captain solar knight?" Rei said, beaming me down with a knife-like glare.

I didn't say a word, just looked away.

"San san's hand! It got pulverized!" Daisuke pointed out.

"Hows the rest kinda scared to look..." i admitted.

Daisuke flew over me, making all sorts of faces as she looked me over.

"Well?" I asked.

"So many cuts and bruises....i think one of your legs is broken too....did a rock fall on San san's hand?" She asked.

After a deep sigh, i told them what happened and about the man i encountered, as well as what he said.

"Strange....i wonder if he plays a bigger role in all of this..." Rei said.

"At any rate, we have to get back before we fall to our injuries..." moro said.

"I can heal my leg, but anything else and i might faint from exhaustion." I explained as i started healing my leg.

"Hey, if you can get yourself to walking thats good enough." He said, slowly standing up as everyone else did.

Daisuke would hover to moro and sit in his hoodie hood and was about to fall asleep but moro shook her awake.

"Hey! Do not fall asleep with a head injury! I need you to stay awake, okay??" Moro exclaimed.

"Yes moro...daisuke will try not to..." daisuke said, weakly.

I felt Rei's stare burn a hole in my back, i turned and looked at her. I hesitated at first, before offering my shoulder. She scoffed, but she took the over and used me as a crutch to walk on.

If i knew how to heal others, i would definitely heal her. However, due to the rods in her leg and shoulder being clean through her, i didn't want to take a steep chance.

"I'm so-"

"Save it, Manfred!" She growled.

I kept quiet after that.

A dumb mistake almost cost all our lives, a mistake that could have easily been avoided, had i used my head instead of being reckless and stupid. Now, we're all heavily injured and its all my fault. I'm starting to doubt being a leader is not cut out for me.

Moro would look my direction briefly before looking ahead.

"We all make mistakes and do stupid things....a fumble every once in a while is fine, so long as you learn from them. It's not like me and you fight demons and shit every day..." he spoke.

I felt a little heat come off of that last bit, but not towards me, but towards Rei. I can feel her internally growling as i carried her, before she let out a heavy sigh.

"Sorry for....being too hard on've only been captain for less than a day and have only been fighting for a week or so. You probably only had a crash course training session or adapted to all this craziness over time, huh?" She said, with a much more softer tone than before.

" could say that..." i said with a half smile. Internally, i was having a brief nightmare sequence of the mock boot camp training session i had with grimmer and him slaughtering his own trainees in front of me, and his hatred towards me.....and the feeling of taking a life.....

"Manfred?" Rei said.

"Huh?? Oh, sorry....just ah...the knock to the head has made me feel woozy is all hahah!" I lied.

She nodded with a smile as we continued.

Her weight was starting to increase, she's hiding the fact that she's trying to stay awake and not faint from blood loss. Every time i look at the rebarb sticking out of her, i ached in those places and fought the urge to yank them out. Since i could heal myself, i wonder if i could with others....

Eventually, she did faint and i caught her. One thing that grimmer did teach me and that i found useful, is the fireman's carry. I basically put her on my shoulders, avoiding touching the rebarb poles. I placed her left half over my shoulders so the rebarb wouldn't move around as much. I was bled upon and her skirt flashing everything to my right, but none of that mattered, i had to get her there.

My arm with broken hand started to burn with pain. Lifting Rei onto my shoulders, caused more damage and made the pain flare up.

"Dude-" moro said, before i cut him off.

"Daisuke's unconscious! We gotta hurry!" I shouted and booked it.

"Shit!" He growled.

"Daisuke! Wake up!!" Xylu cried.

She wasn't making weird, low noises, instead of speech. She might have a seizure at this rate for all we know.

As soon as we seen the palace, me, moro, and xylu would scream our throats out for help as the guards rushed over to help us.

Everyone was rushed into the ER portion of the palace......

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